fl lotertaphs. Know It on & Co. 1026 0 Street, LINCOLN, NEB. Do You Eat? Then go to the. . ,.n Domestic Dining Hall .1200 P Street. q., ,, , , 1 1 i ru i. 1 Meals ioc or Tickets lor 21 Meals Silver Modal awarded at Photographers' 0 - UULIUUUL WIIVUUUIUH, J till IOOUU v u , X.Y., Juno, 9l.. GOOD STUDENT WAITERS, CAPITAL Everything Neat, Good and Home-like. MISS WATSON, Proprietor. HOTEL STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. Barber Shop and Bath Rooms Tin. .ic, u, Rl,t ii,st ,iass imi Special Rates to Students l'''ri W. A. MILLKR, : :::: R. W. Johnson, Prop. I22 North nth Street. Richards Blk. "SL Students cs We want your trade Come in and see us. We can fit and please you, and our prices are low. We have the best shoe stock in the city. WEBSTER & ROGERS, 104-U O Sfiruct, Lincoln, Nobrnskn. Two Trains Daily To Nebraska City, Atchison, Kansas City, Saint Louis, And all points South, East and West F- D. CORNELL, C. P. & T. A.," 1210 O Street. ' ' Ml 1 1 t HI