THE HESPERIAN The 'Debates. Arthur il. Weaver. The 'final debnto, hold in the University chapel two -weeks ago, for the purpose of selecting debaters to represent us in the Kansas-Nebraska debate, was by all odds the best in Uni. annals. The boys all gave evidence of having probed deep into the question: "Resolved, That the United States should recognize Cuba as a belligerent power. " The judgesvoro Professors Adams, Caldwell, Fling and "Wolfe, and Judge Reese, and the experience in this last de bate goes to show that members of the faculty give far greater satisfaction than any outsiders do. The debaters were A. J. Mr. A. J. Weaver may 'we'll bo proud of his achievements as a debater and the Uni versity should be proud as -well. For two years in succession, in competition -with the ablest debaters the University could afford, and in the second instance being sick liim self for a time while his opponents wore hard at work, he has maintained first place. Nothing but ability in two separate instances with two entirely different sots of judges, could have accomplished this result. Arthur J. Weaver -was born in Falls City, Neb., November 18, 1873, and is accord ingly twenty-two years of age. His (firth e ARTHUR J. Woavor, 'II. W. Quaintaneo, JEL. E. New branch, R. S. Baker, J. 'Ji. Lion, 0. M. Barr, J. M. Rodgors and !H. P. Loavitt; the first throe being choBon as representatives and Mr. Baker as alternate. The markings are hero given: A. Ov-1. Pl'g. TR. W'fe. Ttl. Barr 676 Tlogers 7 6 7 tBa'ker 445 liien 5 4 4 Quaintance . . 1 2 'i Leavitt 8 8 8 Weaver .2 1 2 Newbranch. ..3 3 3 7 6 4 5 2 8 5 8 3 7 6 3'i 33 9 21 13 38 7 16 WGaVGR. represented the First district tfor two terras in the national congress. Arthur's 'ear'ly education was derived from the public schools of his native town until 1889 when he entered the Wyoming seminary at Kings Ion, Pennsylvania, and graduated therefrom in 1892. Ho immediately entered North Western University at Evauston, Illinois, and while homo upon a vacation ho visited the State University and that onded his -course at North Western, He was delighted -with our Uni. and transferred his school books to Lincoln, talcing the dogroe A. iB. last June.