33Ua9t i,ras. , t-toj THE HESPERIAN allow fraternity pooplo to become members, so long will their societies bo troubled with "indifference." So long as they allow their societies to be dominated by an element whoso tastes are social rather than literary, so long will they find ua lack of interest'' in literary work. Literary culture in its highest and best sense cannot bo obtained through banquets and balls and social functions. And that is what is the matter with Ala bama. The Nebraska literary societies acted more wisely. They declared open war on the fratornity idea and method, and forever barred all "frats" from membership. And the beneficial result is seen in the pros perous and flourishing condition of our liter ary societies at the present time. Wo arc doing a literary work which, The Hesperian honestly believes, is not excelled by that of any organization in tho West. "We arc working hard and intelligently; we are work ing together and with a will; we are pro moting literary tastes and inclinations, and doing all in our power to encourage and promote literary talent. And we arc succeed ing. With a very few exceptions, the student writers and speakers of tho University today are members of one or the other literary societies. That this is true, tho member ship of tho "English Olub," and the literary productions appearing from time to time in college and local publications toil but too well. And we are troubled with neither "indifference" nor "lack of interest." And so we say to our Alabama contemporary, "Brace up; expel all fraternity members from your literary societies, if you would do good, honest litorary work.1' Do this, and you will rot make such pleas us tho follow ing in vain: "At no institution of learning in Alabama can a more intelligent body of students bo found than hero, and yet they are neglecting one of tho most important branches of their education. Wo venture to say that at least a third of our students hero intend to enter into public lifo or tho practice of law some day. But besides these, nearly every ono hero will some time in future life have occa sion to speak in public or in somo assembly. As wo are in college to prepare ourselves to meet tho responsibilities of lifo, why shouldn't we improve oursolves along this line. There is no more highly appreciated accomplishment than to bo able to express one's thoughts with grace and ease. A few have this power as a gift of nature, others have to cultivate it, and the literary societies aro the places to practice one's solf in tho art. Even if a student has no dosiro or ambition to be an orator, tho information and mental improvement is a sufficient in ducement for a man who wishes to cultivnte himsolf. Some arc doubtless lod to avoid societies because they feel conscious of an inability to speak in public, but this is an absurd reason for none of us are brilliant orators or debaters. Wo are not expected to be, but our object is to better oursolves." Reception to Chancellor MacLean. "It is too bad too bad." So said a Senior as, in the wee sma' hours after tho street cars has stopped, he was trudging out to No. 10000, corner of Nobody avonuo and Nowhere street. Tho reception tendered Chancellor MacLean by tho Seniors was over. When a Hesikkia.n reporter asked tho aforesaid Senior what was too bad, he replied: "Why the unwritten law that causes Freshmen boys to accompany Senior girls and Senior boys to accompany Freshmen girls. See how it was tonight. Hamlet was in town; tho Seniors had mado arrange ments to go and couldn't break their engage ments. That's why there weren't more out at the reception tonight." We think the Senior had tho reason in a nutshell. Those who attonded tho reception-, howovor, had a delightful ovoning. The conservatory hrd been mum daintily decor ated with flowers and draperies; ices wore sorvod throughout tho ovoning. Presidont Almy mado a nice address in behalf of tho class; and the chancellor mado a fitting re sponse. After the more formal part had been finished, which, by tho way, was most informal, the members of tho class enjoyed themselves in games and dancing. Taken all-in all, tho reception tendered to Chancellor and Mrs. MacLean was entirely a social success.