Our Overcoats ARE THE KIND THAT WILL 'PLEASE YOU-' ()liV lDlTC' THEM are lower than coats of qm va?uo can bo "bought for saa5ti.J . olsewhoro. NVo nro showing some great values hi men's atn.1 boy's Th'oi-coats at smvyvvkixg &ft Tfftfcos. Ntfw is 'the Uma to MfnYly 'fttn-slF, wMla Tftro toelc Is complete. Prices u Ipitift riH Qmrdty give yott an ifioa'of values, but avo rttt tsay tHiat our 'Overcoats i $S, $fc, iimfl'Sfc.fcO wtmtt bo considm-ofl dlrcnrp at$ a'ufl $2. 0 wove tlian we ask yott. At $H0 wo wSI soil 'ou scrmo hoautffnl drossy Ktoraoy 'Coats tttiift are liand stiifttfty ttiaflo iftfd 'fit -0ftral rto 'Cm&om 'made. 'Our finest corfte 'at 15 and $20 are the choicest of tfio choice and must 1)0 man to get a good idea of 'tlhefr wor't'li. Come in and see what we have to show you THE rO and TFen'tih Streets. Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. n. nR UNACQUAINTED WITH TH GEOGRAPHY OF THE COUNTRY WILL OBTAIN MUCH INFORMATION FROM A 8TUPY OF THIS MAP OF THE 1 creat W.-i Ji-;V7 li fRock iBlanfl V,?S&Ak "Twfcrr "NA -4l.21""" vT ' SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS ori'iiroiijrli C-um-lir. Mmiit. I'rw Jlllnlii(;.fftiillr CtlCUllii JMnlnif Cur. ilullf l.rttf.vrii t'JIJCAIIO. !k 'IKflA COIM'JI. JIM'I'J'H iiml OJIAIIA. MI betweti 'Jfl AMI uitu IHWl'.H. Oi,OIIAIMI Hf'IIIMJH uml J! i III.O vlu XI. Juiili, vr Jtuuuit rii hiiu 'ii"i.i -i i tin GliiGaao, Rock island k PaGllG I RAI LWAY. Fut i;iir,TMiliilullf 1wirru MrWl!A!'01JI WJ'. J'AI'l. uml 7rllivru I'lii 1 JUM0 uuil tV(imlti-tit (Mile or (lit- Mouiilulimlii tin, UVt uud Jmlluii'lVrrllury on lliehimlli, Via the Albert Lea Route. ' Tur T(li-1. Sui. JMIilKr- r illc"l lnr.in.m Hun, upplf ut UHf Ouupun TUbal (IIUinh, ur udilrrM E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Ucu'J'aiuMuccr. (ivti'l Tlit. a; Ju. At- CICACO, l-L. I Go to I I m a i 1 'r ft rfTrrB--n oJeopej T fl U II I v mwM 'I if California Tourist Sleeper. It it, the RIGHT way. Pay more and yon are extravagant Pay less and you are uncom fortable. The newest, brightest, clean -o and easiest riding Tourist a are used for our Personally Conducted 'Exeifntfons 'to i California which loavo Lincoln every Thursday at 12:16 p. m., reaching Saa Francisco Sun day evening, and Los Angles Monday noon. AaaOiio, W. Tioxmna Olty U'lokot Agont, cor. 10th ana O BtB., IjJhdoIii, To1i., for full inforuwtlon, or wrlto to J. Piiakois, ft. P. A., Oiiiiilm, Nob. K&ZtiHtfci