THE HESPEPvIAN ) NEW MANAGEMENT . . Iiraoolom . . . . . NEW FACILITIES 14 Steam SUITS, OVERCOATS, OLOATCS. OAPES. , , SHAWLS and DKESSES . . . s Vrork. Clcane(l Coorc(1 an(1 Cicely ROY DENNEY, PROP. V V , :j , fi r., '. n , fi , . micnoni o Jll'05 0 Street. Teleplicmfi 456. !( We can make the mostof your soiled and faded garments.' M. L TEESTER, Lumber, Coal, Ice. 1229 O Street. Telephone oS5 Trices Reasonable. Work Tromply Done. SUUKXTS "WOKK SOLCTTED- H. CHPES, Practical Shoemaker Corner 12th anil N Sts. Under Fur Store. PREWITT The PJwtqgrwpher. Cabinet Photos, $2 per doz. Little Queens $1 per doz. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. TK. SMITH MEW'S HATS and FURBISHING GOODS Correct lu style and the K't values In tin nlty. Fine Neckwear, Gloves, lined and unlined, Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery. Sole Agents for Dunlaps Celebrated Hats. H37 0 STREET HAVE YOU TRIED THE Spencerian Steel Pens? If &! AT A. SAJUTZE CABJ of If CV11 1 tJie ItaIini numbers 19 Bit? 1 will he ttrttf TJtH3S on rneelpt of return pottage, 13 C1SXTH. THE 8PEHGERIAN PEN CO., 810 Broadway, New York. PHOTOGRAPHS Especial attention given to HOLIDAY TRADE. 7!md&($IM hsSSSs-