The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 18, 1895, Page 9, Image 9

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Gloves ut 1008 O street.
Patronize Westerfiold. He is up to date
on hair cutting.
Dental parlors of Dr. P ' nan over Hur
ley's. Reduced prico to bti ' cuts.
W. L. Williams went to Beatrice Novem
ber 3 and remained until after election.
"Why not subscribe for Thk Hesperian at
once? Subscription only $1 por year.
Miss Jessie Shultz of Beatrice has regis
tered to take work at the conservatory.
All students who desire to drink only the
latest drinks will go to Rector's, cornor 12th
and N streets.
The best quality regulation drill gloves
arc 10c at the Ewing Clothing Co., 1115,
1117 O street.
All of the newest and latest novolties in
neckwear will bo found at the Ewing Cloth
ing Co., 1115.1117 O street. .
C. C. Griggs of Beatrice went home
'Thursday to be presont at the wedding of
his brother G. L. and Miss Mary Gauson.
Foot-ball excursion to Crete November
10th via the Burlington Bpccial train leaves
Lincoln 1:30 p. m. Loaves Crete 5:30 p.
m. 50 cents round trip.
Don't forget to call at E. Fleming, 1224
O street, for anything in tho jewelry and
optical line. All work promptly attended
to. Special rates to students.
114 South 12th street is Froy & Frey,
florists. There's where you get your A.
Beauty roses and carnations. All decora
tions at lowest prices. Give us a call.
Call and goo our fall lino of pant goods,
cheaper than any other place in tho city.
Independence Wool Mfg. Co., 119 North
13th street. Special rates to students.
Arrangements for the Chaso and Wheeler
contest are almost completed, and it prom
ises to bo more interesting than over before.
A number of contestants havo already regis
tered ond havo their orations woll in hand.
Notice the ad. on upper half of-pago next
to front reading matter.
Dr. O. F. Lambortson, dontist. Special
rates to students. 1207' O street.
Misses Bridge andMulligan spent Sunday,
November 10 with thoir folks in Fremont.
Tho Kappas enjoyed a nice dinner at the
home of Miss Eva Ricketts about two weeks
Now is tho time to buy fall overcoats, wo
havo them cheap. Independence "Wool
Mfg. Co., 110 North 13th st.
A number of Cotnor students havo como
to tho University within tho last few weeks,
among thorn, Ilomry and Harmon.
Polly Wheeler was up from Kansas to
see tho game. Ho took in tho Kansas
Iowa game at Lawrence on November 2nd.
Fifty conts Croto and return Novembor
19fh. Special train loaves Lincoln 1:30 p.
in., returning loaves Croto 5:30 p. m. Ne
braska State University vs. Doanc College
foot-ball teams.
Tho heating and ventilating of tho now
library building has been pronounced O. K.
What right then has Miss Jones to keep her
capo on, while watching lest tho props steal
Caisar translations?
Prof. Fling has accepted an invitation
from tho Political Science association of tho
central states, to deliver a paper on "Mira
beau, a victim of the Lettres do cachet" at
their meeting at Indianapolis, January 2.
Tho commissioned officers of A. delighted
their men by inviting them to tho Phi Kappa
Psi chapter house last Wednesday night. Tho
company wont away in high spirits vowing
otornal fealty to their gontlomonly superiors.
Prof. Fling, who for a number of years
has taken a deep interest in reformation of
criminals, suggested to his European history
class, the purchaso of Chautauqua magazines
for tho inmates of tho penitentiary. In a
short time about 25 dollars was raised and
24 copies of tho magazines wero ordered.