THE B.ESPE1UAN Clarson 13 Telephone 270 as c?H-aundry k&frv i&m '-. iPPl'v' ' ' &'.- J- 4V9-fc -' SjV,H t 330-332-334-336-338 S. 1 1th St. LINCOLN, NEBR. Company THERE'S A RICHMOND IN THE FIELD 3ri Selecting a Bicycle - ,& s M ho o ooo Bo tiot be decievod by offers of low pricod wheels, which are claimed to bo highest of high grnde. Investigate, inquire .about material used in their construction, character of workmanship, etc. Wo wish to be investigated. It will increase our sales and prove that the RICHMOND IS A CONQUEROR. Richmond Bicycle Company FicI)mond, Indiana.