The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 01, 1895, Page 9, Image 9

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Dr. O. F. Lambertson, dentist. Special
rates to students. 1207 O street.
Don't forgot to call at E. Fleming, 1224
O street, for anything (in tho jewelry and
optical line. All work promptly attended
to. Special rates to students.
See Mr. Noble's advertisement for the
New England. Life insurance has become
a necessity. Tho sooner you take out a
policy the less it will cost you.
A very pleasant Hallowe'en party was
held at tho home of Miss Nettie Henderson
on S street on Thursday evening. A num
ber of her University friends attest a very
enjoyable evening.
Mr. A. C. Mayer of Grand Island, has
been very ably conducting a University
column iu the Grand Island Independent.
Every student at the University should see
that the home papers are well informed con
cerning events at tho University.
Yon can buy a good fountain pen at Her
polsheimers & Co's book department for
$1.00. Pencils, note books, dictionaries
and translations, as well as college supplies
in general are lower inprice than anywhere
else in Lincoln.
All University girls who can do so, are
strongly urged to attend the State Y. W. C.
A. convention to be held at Wesloyan next
Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It will be
a rest from studies besides being a great
help in Y. W. C. A. work.
Special attention given to hair dressing,
shampooing, manicuring, and face treatment,
for clear complexion, also a large assort
ment of hair goods, ornaments, back combs
and side combs. 1114 O St., Mrs. Gosper.
The Hesperian is in doubt whether this
is an out-pouring of Horace or of Ovid.
"Wo copy it for its beautiful sentiment:
"Boyibus kissibns sweet girlalorum,
Girlibus likibus, wanti sumorum.
Fatheribus hearibus kissum sumorum,
Bootibus kickibus out of the doorum.?,5
Fall stock of millinery including all the
latest novelties, dress hats, sailors and walk
ing hats. Students are invited to call at
1114 O street. Mrs. Gosper's.
114 South 12th street is Frey & Frey,
florists. There's where you got your A.
Beauty rosos and carnations. All decora
tions at lowest prices. Givo us a call.
For days I have studied the brains of a calf,
Have cut it in two, examined each half.
So wonderfully fascinated I've grown
I'll continue when dead Dy dissecting my own.
Call and see our fall line of pant goods,
cheaper than any other place in the city.
Independence "Wool Mfg. Co., 119 North
13th street. Special rates to students.
Miss Triplet who has left school to move
to Missouri passed through Lincoln on her
way south last Monday. A number of her
friends met her at the depot and said a final
good bye.
A Prof, may loose his temper, and make
his students tired; may chide the class 'sic
semper,' as if therefore he's hired. But
since men who patience loose, have really
no excuse, for practising to abuse, those who
don't need abuse. So if a Prof, thus flust
ered can, not wisdom well inject, let brainier
heads and steadier hands, decaying cats
Miss Anderson gave a farewell party to
Miss Triplet Saturday evening at which all
tho Unions were present. , That it was an
enjoyable affair goes without saying. No
one knows better than Miss Anderson and
tho Unions how'to have a good time. Mr.
Lehmer whistled, and Mr. Evans, Mr. Cam
eron and tho fair hostess all sang in their
very best form. And for the last time, per
haps, the Unions, for whom she has played
so well, heard Miss Triplett. They all
felt very sorry that tho young lady was go
ing to leave Lincoln, but all had a splendid
time at the party;