wwte U THE HESPERIAN ) NEW MANAGEMENT . . TirTLOolra . & C-- OXJL JL JL . . NEW FACILITIES J Oy& "Woartc. ROY DENNEY, PROP. 1105 0 Street. SUITS, OVERCOATS, CLOAKS, CAPES, SHAWLS and DRESSES . . j Cleaned, Colored and Nicely Finished (5) I! Telephone 456 5 e can ma'e tne most f yur soiled and faded garments. ' 9 M. L. 7RESTER, Lumber, Coa.1, Ice. 1229 O Street. Telephone 5S5 Cheap Shoe Repairing House JOSEPH KOLBACH, Prp. 1330 0 Street, - Lincoln, Neb. Mark the following prices: Men's Half Soles, 40 to 75c, sewed 75c to $1. Ladies' Half Soles 30c to 40c Boys' Half Soles - - - 30c to 40c Children's Half Soles - 25c to 30c PRE WITT The Photographer. 2 1 6 O Street. Cabinet Photos, $2 per doz. Little Queens $1 per do.. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. J. SMITH, SuccosKor to W. K. UKNNIH & CO. Hats and Furnishing Goods. COHUKCT STYLUS ClOOI) VAMJBS . . . 1137 0 STREET. FRANCIS BROS. Short Order RESTAURANT. OPEN ALL NIGHT.. $3 Commutation Ticket for $2.75. 1 s cent Meals a Specialty. 1 41 8 O Street. A. O. CASS, President. JNO. T. DOIICJAN. Bcc'y unci Thmh WijifdapeSsf (Soal cmd lime o, dk fw Canon CI 109 South Eleventh St. Telephone 234. SEEK