The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 18, 1895, Image 1

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    The Hesperian.
Vol. XXV.
No. 3.
The Hesperian.
Issued serai-monthly by the Hesperian Association of the Univer
sity of Nebraska.
One copy, per college year (in advance) ... ji.oo
One copy, one semester ..... ,00
Advertising Rates on ArrucATtox.
Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian inter
esting to fanner students. Please send tis your subscriptions.
SSubscriptionsonour books will be ccsusscd until ordered
stopped. 1 1
Address til communications to The Hesperian, University of
Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.
O. H. ALLEN - - Editor-in-Chief
H. E. NEWBRANCH, - - Editorial
P. H. THOMSON Literary
IDA W. HEISE - - - Literary
CLINT M. BARR ... Athletic
J. N.SHREVE .... Local
C. E.HATSON .... Local
LULU W. BURROWS - - - Locl
JOE BOOMER .... Alumni
L. J. ABBOTT, Jr.. J
NED: C. ABBOTT f ' Bss Managers.
What has become of "The Chancellors
Editor Riley wao initiated into Delta Tau
Dcltaism last week, with great unction and
eclat. Here's congratulations to the Delta
Tau's, commiserations for Brother Riley and
the readers of the esteemed "Rag."
The JSfdbratka Literary Magazine will ap
pear in a few days. It will be full of good
things from the first page to the last, and
every student owes it to himself and the
University to buy at least one copy, and as
many more as he can afford.
The Junior class have about decided to
publish an Annual this year. The chancel
lor, faculty and most of the students seem to
be in favor of it. The Hesperian is glad to
see so much interest taken in the enterprise
and congratulates the junior class on the
vigor with which they propose to combat the
fimancial difficulties. We believe that the
student body will take enough interest in
the annual to make it an assured success.
The Law School opens up with a large
attendance, an excellent list of lectures, new,
commodious and well equipped appartments
and prospects that are more than brilliant.
The Law School of the University of Ne
braska is now the equal to any other depart
ment, and stands prominently among the
really good Law Schools of the United
States, When it is finally decided that one
must be able to write "A. B." after his
name before receiving a diploma in law, the
school will be unexcelled.
It is high time that the officers and com
mittees of the Society Building Association
were buckling down to work in earnest. jNo
time should be wasted in getting a start.
Committees should already be busy with
students, faculty and alumni. A policy of
inaction or Hstnessncss at this time is highly
reprehensible, and meetings should be called,
committees organized and work begun at
once. The only way to get a literary society
buildiug is to go to work and get it. The
students are enthusiastic, the faculty are
with us, alumni are waiting to pour their
shekels into the association's coffers, and
the regents are more thiin willing. Why
stand we here idle? Up! guards, and at them J
The cha nces for a genuine "co-op" seem
at present to be very bright. The Hesperian