The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 04, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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The wind blows over:
I wait alone :
Harkening slow to its weary tone,
Out of the shadowy west-land blown,
On to the hills where the light lies strown,
Sunbeam sown.
The grey dawn lightens :
I watch and wait :
Out of the opening east sky gate
Floats like the web of a silent Fate
Floss of the hair of the day the plait
Wind-blown straight.
Katharine M. Memck.
Since our Inst issue nothing particular in
the way of foot-ball has developed. Wo
had hoped that by this time those eleven new
mole-skins had been fitted to the tight fol
lows; with another eleven questioning the
"fit" pretty vigorously. Captain Wilson is
at present getting his share of the blame, as
ho has noithor appeared "nor given a very
good reason for not doing so; but a letter to
Manager Sheldon brings the intelligence that
ho will bo hero on Thursday, and if such "bo
the case wo will forgive him heartily; trust
ing that ho will work doubly hard for his
Those who wore acquainted with the por
sonol of last yoar'a team will bo sorry to
know that the old contor, Harnmang, will
not bo with us. It is a quostion whether or
net this loss can bo made up with tho pres
ont material. This makos four of lastyoar's
team that wo shall bo compelled to do with
out, and possibly five; as Oury, tackle, has
as yot found it impossible to spare tho time.
The four are: Tho two 'halves,1' Flippin
and "Little" Yont; quarter buck, Spoonor
and Harnmang. However, thero is somo
"promising now material out, and everybody
is working vigorously nndor tho close atten
tion of Couch Thomas.
A bettor coach than Thomas would bo
hard to find ; as thooo who saw him straighten
out our line last year can testify. When
tho time comes ho will no doubt have an in
vincible eleven to shout about.
Tho boys are feeding at a training table,
and are rapidly learning to do without pie.
Though tho amount of beefsteak they con
sumo would shock a whole colony of veg
etarians. Tho first game will bo a practice game at
Omaha, October 11th, witli tho University
club of that city. This game will bo played
at night by electric light. From there tho
team goes to Sioux City, October 12th. A
wosterp trip, taking in Butte, Montana,
Denver, Salt Lake and possibly somo other
points will follow tho Sioux City game.
Tho only league game to bo played hero is
with Kansas, November 10th. The Thanks
giving game is with Iowa at Omaha, as
By tho way, "Pap"" Bliss is coaching for
In the hurry of tho past two woks tho
tennis courts have been quite deserted. Thus
far this fall too, tho wind has boon so
obstroporons that tennis was simply out of
tho question. It is to bo hoped that as tho
elements quiet down and cool woather pro
vails our formor enthusiasm will return.
Last spring saw a groat advance in this game
in tho west, and particularly in our state.
Much of this interest too was duo to tho
action of University players.
If you dcrPt have to drill, (wo are sorry