The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 19, 1895, Page 12, Image 12

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orndo, whoro ti splendid opening ollored
itself in his cousin's oflice. Wo nro glad
Lawrio decided to Btay with us and become
''an economist just like Professor Taylor."
New students who find that they are not
far enough advanced to enter the State Uni
versity should enter the Chamborlain Com
mercial College, Lansing Theatre block.
Ed Nicholson has accepted a position in
the department of chemistry of tho Univer
sity of Minnosota. E. 0. Elliott, '95 will
do graduate work in chemistry this year and
look after tho "prop" laboratory.
Special attention given to hair dressing,
shampooing, manicuring, and face treatment,
for clear complexion, also a largo assort
ment of hair goods, ornaments, back combs
and side combs, llli 0 St., Mrs. Gosper.
Martha Chappoll has secured a school for
next year. A young man who should have
graduated with '95 but who taught at AVcep
ing Water and is now going out with '90,
curses Iub fate.
B. 0. Matthews spent tho summer in
Kansas. Ho looks much improved in health,
in spite of his deceptive upper lip. He will
have charge of "Woldon's club" this yoar,
(if tho aforesaid lip does not interfere) and
study law "between meals."
The Hkbi'Kkian deeply regrets that it
must announco to tho students the death,
about August 1, of Mr. Tufts, at his home
in Kearney. In the death of Mr. Tufts tho
class of '90 has lost an earnest, conscientious
student and a splendid young man.
Do you want to make up Latin, algebra,
geometry, ancient history, gonoral history,
or rhetoric? Then don't go way out of
town and get away from civilization, but
register immediately in tho State Universily
preparatory course in Chamberlain's Com
mercial College, Lansing Theatro block.
Students' Club, 1020 R St.
Studonts who desire first class board at
tho very low rate of 2.25 a week, should
call at 1029 R stroot, near tho University
Mr. McDill proprietor.
Every ono should attend the joint socioty
reception to be hold Friday night, Septem
ber 20th. The prosidonts of tho various so
cietiesMiss Boobo of tho Palladians, Miss
Horn of tho Deliana, and Mr. MoG alley of
tho Unions have-appointed committees to
take ohargo. Every ono will receive a
hearty welcome and be made to feel at
Bon Matthews is rustling entrees to tho
debates and is mooting with much encour
agement. From tho present outlook it ap
pears that there are many candidates for
debating honors.
Old students of tho Uni. nro more thnn
pleased to see two of our former teachers
back again. Miss Mary Tromain returns
fresh from Oxford to instruct in English
History, and Prof. Avery from Iloidleburg.
New members of the faculty are as follows:
Prof. McLood, English; Prof. Luckly,
Pedagogy, and Oapt. Guilfoglo of tho mili
tary department.
J. A. Abbott, brother of Ned, has boon
very low with typhoid fever, but wo are
glad to loarn that ho is gotting hotter.