15 CHAPIN BROS. TTiHE FLORIST THE HESPERIAN 1 6th aiid D Sts. Tel. 633 --a0a1134 O STREET Poe & Woods 132 So. 12th Street, LINCOLN. NEBR. Photographs in all Styles ocraons in an aivies v . co (O. Fine Crayon and Pastel Portraits UWAJMD tf)Q VOAAM EXTRA FINISH. a specialty... v SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS W- E do not ojfer Special Prices to students, but ivo guarantee our irices to be Lower than tlwse who do "3g We Joe a large stocl; of UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY GLOVES Etc. For Ladies and Gontlomon, which wo invito you to inopect !y I 1 1 E2 tX Gt r- I FN t3. BETWEEN 12TH AND 13TH. STUDENT'S CO-OPERATIVE BOOK COMPANY. Carry a Complete Line of - TEXT BOOKS, STATIONERY and SPECIALTIES. Finest Stock of Mathematical Instruments in the city. Books exchanged. established me. STUDIO 1214 0 STREET EMU COT MlftDV in the city done at this Studio. rlRIlOl ItUlm All old lenses have been re placed by the celebrated Dallmeyer Lenses. New grounds and accessories. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS For SQUARE DEALING go to BAKER'S CLOTHING HOUSE 1125 O STREET All of the Latest Styles and Best Qualities at Lowest Prices. r SPECIAL PHICES TO STUDENTS Cheap Slide Repairing Souse JOSEPH KOLBACH, Prop. 1330 O Street, - Lincoln, Neb. Mark the following prices: Men's Half Soles, 40 to 75c, sewed 75c to $1. Ladies' Half Soles - 30c to 40c Boys' Half Soles ... - 30c to 40c Children's Half Soles - 25c to 30c