The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 26, 1895, Page 9, Image 9

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On account of Miss Barr's illness the
gymnasium exhibition has been postponed
to the 11th of May.
Professor Bcssoy lectures in tho Brownoll
block for tho benefit of the Y. W. C. A.
Wednesday tho 24th.
The students attending the opera Thurs
day night must have noticed that the pro
fessors were out in force.
Tho tri-Deltas held an initiation meeting
last week. They took in as new members
Maysie Ames and Daisy Bonoll.
Y. P. Sheldon has been elected manager,
and Otis Wipplo assistant manager of the
football team; and Bert Wilson assistant
manager of tho base ball team.
Great preparations are being made for tho
exhibition of tho electrical engineering de
partment to bo givon May 4th.
Prof. F. W. Taylor left last week for a
tour through tho United States in tho in
terest of tho Mexican exposition.
Mr. Hall, who has had charge of tho hy
giene lectures during Miss Barr's illness,
has returned to his homo in Iowa.
Tho Dolians are to have tho west room of
the library for a society room next year.
This will bo a great improvement upon thoir
present location.
Tho Literary Magazine, edited by the
English club, has gone to the press. It
will bo all that the editors hoped, which is
saying a good deal.
Tho lecture upon mono-metallism given
by Mr. Lambortson boforo tho Political
Economy club fulfilled all our expectations.
It was greatly appreciated.
Work on tho now library building has bo
gun in oarnost, and from present indications
it looks as if tho new building will bo com
pleted by tho first of September.
Miss Wigginhorn is spending a few days
in Lincoln visiting some of her friends and
classmates. It seems quite natural to see
her around tho University again,
Miss Carrie Coffin, formerly a University
studont, was married to Mr. Cloyd Prosson,
April 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Presson will
make their homo in San Joso, Cal.
Many of tho class in entomology have re
ceived some very interesting cards through
the University mail box. Thoy are very
effective in tho way of suggestions.
Mr. Florino, oldest son of Prof. C. A. E.
D. Holmes, is thinking seriously of becom
ing a military gentleman, as his father has
been so successful in that line lately.
There will bo a library class in connection
with the summer school this year. A spe-
'cial course of lectures will be givon for the
local librarians and tho teachers of tho State.
Miss Joe Mansfelao played a violin solo
for a special program of the Wesleyan
Evorotts Wednesday, tho 17th. The tri
Doltas accompanied her and had quite a jolly
The English Club held a pleasant social
meeting at tho homo of Miss broady, April
21st. Thore was no especial program. Tho
evening was spent in talking of Ibson's
"Little Eyolf."
Gossip has it that Doe! Abbott will Boon
take up his abode at tho Nebraska Hos
pital for the Insane as a patieut of course.
His many friends sincerely hope that he
may bo speedily cured.
v Professor Barret's history class of last
semester gave him a pleasant surprise party
on tho evening of tho twentieth. Thoy
brought tho provisions and a great share of
the fun along with them.
Every member of tho literary RociotjoB
should bo present at tho Union meeting of
the 20th. Tho futuro development and per
haps use of tho literary societies is somewhat
dependent upon tho decisions made on that
occasion. All should be interested in thq
prospective new society building.
"Marcella," Mrs. Humphrey WarcJ'g
greatest book is being sold at Horpolsheiraer
& Go's Book Department for 39c.