The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 26, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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bit. "Gabble gut! How tho dovil kin I
write with you a talkin' to mo? Can't you
shut up ? Fustipectito f ub f us futi
hang take it! It ant in here. No it ant.
What? No it ant." Then ho dozed off but
spoke occasionally how it was of college
life, of friends and pleasant tiraos and once
ho was a little child again, sleepily repeating
his prayers as though following his mother.
That done, ho asked to know how long bo
fore Christmas and wandered whether Santa
Claus would bring him a now pair of skates,
and then he suddenly started up.
"Lord! is it that late? Frank, Frank,
oh ! Frank, do you know what time it is?
Frank, you darn lazy cuss, ant yo goin' tb
got up ? All right, lay abed then. Miss
breakfast, skip class, do what you blame
please, 1 doan care!" Ho thought he was
talking to his room-mate but being soothed
by a gentle word or two ho again went to
sleep and faintly babbled: "Empty! Al
ways ompty ! I guess mother's forgotten
mo. I havon' heard from her for two
weeks. Wonder what's matter. My mother's
old Frank, 'n' she works so hard. If she
don't move off tho farm I tell you what
(here his voice dropped to a whisper) I'm
afraid she won't bo with us long. I'm
afraid afraid " and the whisper died
Later as the doctor's footsteps were heard
upon tho stairs ho again awoke. "I doo
know. Guess may bo I better cram a lilt!o.
What? All right." Again his eyelids
were weighted down and again ho slept.
Calmly awaking at length he faintly whis
pered: "Good by Frank, I'm goin' home. Mother
needs me at homo. That's purdy, Frank.
That's purdy. Play it again. That's tho
one mother uso to play for mo and I
used to turn tho leaves. Play loud, Frank.
Tho notes come so soft that I'm goin' to
sloop. I didn't toll or I was coming goin'
to surpriso her. Write to mother toll or
my wprk is all made up and I'm goin' to
graduate but don't toll her I boon sick,
Well I s'poso you must go but may be
may be wo'll meet again out in the world
Borao place. Good by Frank. Write
to mo sometime. Good by good by.
Tho moon camo and shono in at the win
dow of a country homo and in its pale, puro
light with bowed head an aged woman sat.
In her hand she held a crumpled telegram,
flor boy had graduated.
Keene Abbott.
Miss Bell made a short visit homo last
Our baseball team will play at Ashland,
Mrs. Crewitt expects to spend the summer
in Europe.
Mr. Gibbs is now at tho hospital doctor
ing his eyes.
The 'Varsity Rifles exhibition took place
Thursday, tho 25th.
Ernest Gerard has left school for tho re
mainder of tho year.
After tho boys' program the Palladian
girls banqueted tho boys.
Tho Glee club is preparing to start on a
tour of the state about May 1st.
Tho Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. hold a meet
zng at tho insane asylum Easter.
Mr. Bernard Reddy has boon threatened
with lung fever, but is bettor now.
Mr. F. A. Hall wont homo on tho 18th to
rnako a visit of some five or six days.
Jack Hitchman spent a few days visiting
his homo at Weoping Water last week.
Tho Dolians arc making anangoraents for
thoir contest, which will bo hold some time
in May.
Tho west campus has boon plowed and
harrowed and is now in good condition for
playing ball.
aamnriT-tmiw w;i.