The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 26, 1895, Page 4, Image 4
THE HESPEKIAN i 1 ' l n I "V i Kill 1: I: i j ?. r a A tabular statement of students' prefer ences for our next chancellor named several. An astonishingly large number vote for Dr. George E. Howard of Leland Stanford. Dr. Howard is an alumnus of this University and a very able man with a high standing in the educational word. .No one who heard his Charter Day oration last year can doubt his fitness to stand at the head of even the University of Nebraska. castes, the great end, next to literary train ing, of Jthe societies, will always find a home on the plains of the great commonwealth of Nebraska, and nowhere are there better principles taught than in Union, Delian or Palladian halls. TnE last inter-collegiate debate of the year which our students will bo given an op portunity to attend will be held Saturday evening, May 10th, in the chapel. The de bate is between the Union Boys' Debating Club and Wesleyan University. The ques tion is on the compulsory arbitration of strikes, and the debate promises to be a very interesting one and will be ably con ducted on both sides. Do not neglect to at tend, and be sure to bring your tin horns, your colors and your enthusiasm with you. Barbarism, or "barbarity," as our es teemed friend R. S. Baker terms it, is bj' no means asleep in the University. The liter ary societies now number over two hundred members, the largest membership in our history, and are constantly growing. The grade of literary work they do is becoming higher with each program, and students gen erally are seeing better than ever the ad vantages of literary society training. To illustrate what that training will do it is ouhy "accessary to run over the membership roll of the English club, and see what percent age of the members belong to one or the other of the literary societies. And now, aB Friday evening's meeting well shows, the mightiest move forward yet taken by the so cieties will soon be undertaken. A literary society building will bu erected on the campus, to be tins exclusive property of iJje societies. Preparations for the work are al ready made, and operations will be rapnjly pushed next yeai. Social democracy and the levelling of all The Hesperian, in common with all its readers, was very much grieved and some what dissapointed at the sudden and entirely unexpected news that Chancellor Canfield has decided to leave us at the end of this year to assume a more promising and more lucrative position at the head of the Univer sity of Ohio. We remember hearing the Chancellor say, in one of his charming little talks, delivered only about a year ago, that the one thing for which he hoped, the only thing of which he dreamed, the thing he thought of last at night and first in the morning, the goal of his ambition in fact, was to walk down to the University one morning, and see the campus completely enclosed by a quadrangle a solid wall of buildings on all four sides. Our youthful hearts thrilled with delight as we listened, and we thought of the lady who would never, no, never, desert her Micawber. And so this resignation was a disappointment to us a disappointment in more ways than one. Chancellor Canfield has done great things for the University of Nebraska. He has lifted it fro'n its position as a third rate school to be one of the great institutions of learning in the United States. He has been a faithful, tireless, hardworking officer, and lias devoted to the upbuilding of the Uni versity all his time and energy and ability. And he has succeeded nobly. He leaves behind him a splendid monument, and he deserves the gratitude which he has of every student and alumnus and friend of the University: But pained as we are to lose him we are by no means despondent; we have no doubt in the world but that his place will be ably filled, and the University will advance in ,Ji A