The Hesperian. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XXIV. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, APRIL 26, 1895. No. 13. The Hesperian. EDITORIAL. Issued semi-monthly by tlio Hksi'krian 'Association 'of the Univer sity of Nebraska. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, per college year (in advance) One copy, one semester .... AnVEUTIRINO Ratks on Aitmcation. '$1.00 .00 ALUMNI AND t:X-STi;PKNTS. Special endeavor will bo made to make Tin: Hksvuhian intor sstiiiR to former undents. Ploase send us your subscriptions.' XftTSubscriptiotiBon our books will be continued until ordered stopped. Address all communications to Tup. IIksi-kiuan, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, BOARD OF EDITORS. LEO C. SMITH, ASSOC! ATES H. E. NEWBRANCH, FLORA BULLOCK KATHARINE MELICK, NED C. ABBOTT, -O. A. ALLEN, STELLA DUCKER, IDA W. HETSE, WM, AXLING, - Managing Editor Editorial Literary Literary Athletic Local Local Local - Exchange L. . ABBOTT, Jr., Business M.-.raCBR Soc'y, Dora Auman IDiRECTORY. BELT AN SOCIETY. Prosw. Alice Hunter. Soc'y. Sue Pjllshuky PALLADIAN SOCIETY, rreiit., R. L. Chknev. UNIVERSITY UNION. Prest., Katharine Melick Soc'y Annie Puey Y. M. C. A. PmHM W. T. Elmore. Soc'y. D. M. Davis Y. W. C. A. Proat., Emma Boose. Soc'y, Myrtle Wheeler DEBATING ASSOCIATION. Prcst., II. W. Quaintance. Soc'y, Ned'C. Aiiiiott ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. PreBt., Sidney White. Soc'y, Rali-ii Johnston It is earnestly requested that all subscrip tions due The Hesperian be paid at once. Do not let your name stand longer on our books without being marked "Paid." What is the matter with '97? Six weeks ago they accepted -a challenge from '5S for a relay race Field Day. The latter has chosen Its runners, but the Sophomores seem to bo Inclined to let the matter drop. Are they too lazy, or can't any of them run The Hesperian Is highly pleased to note that the new University of Montana in look ing about for its first Chancellor, has ex pressed 'a decided preference for Prof. Hodgeman of our own faculty. We would all be sorry to have Prof. Hodgman leave us, but at the same time the compliment is appreciated. In passing through the University cor ridors one frequently hears certain students talking about representative University men. If a football manager is electod or a dele gate to an oratorical convention is chosen, these poople who take il upon themselves to ljudgo whether the football manager is :a representative man or not should examine tJlieir own records a little more closely., and see -whether., if they were elected to the same position, trhey would perform the duties of that office half as creditably. These self styled critics would do well to look into their own characters a little more closely. T k li