The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 26, 1895, Page 11, Image 11
11 AN EDUCATIONAL EXCURSION TO UTAH w The Mountain Walled Treasury of the Gods. THE HESPERIAN That all members of tho N. E. A. and thoir friends may have an opportunity to visit Utah, that won derland of health, wealth and ploaBuro, boforo returning to thoir eastern homes from tho Donvor mooting in July, tho Rio Grande Wostorn Railway, "Sconic Lino of tho World," in connection with tho D. &. R. Q. and Colorado Midland lines, will mako tho unusually low rate of $20.00 for tho round trip, Donvor to Utah, in eluding tho grandest scenic rido in tho world and a visit to -oxcollont fresh wator bathing, fishing and hunting. JPVO'VO) a beautiful city on Utah Lake Salt Lake City Mado famous by its historical and religious associations u pioturooqu 3 city of health and ploasuro Sanitarium, Warm Springs, Hot Springs and Sulphur Springs, within tho city limits a plungo into tho Groat Salt Lake at Saliair Beach, the Dead Sea of America; tho wator contains 23 per cent moro salt than tho Doad Sea of tho Holy Land impossible to sink tho most invigorating baths in tho world hoadquartors of tho Mormon Church, Tomplo and Tabernacle. Salt Lako City is also a city of boautitul homes, drives, parks pnd canyons. Its climato is unsurpasBod, having aB it (loos 325 days of sunshino in ovory year. A modern city hommod in by snow-capped mountains. Military post threo miles distant. Ogden A thriving city of modorn ontorpriso and progress Hot Thermal SpringH within oasy access a sani tarium in itself picturesquo drives through canyons of wondorful natural rugged boauty a city situ ated at tho foot of tho Wasatch Mountains. Hundreds of points of interest to tho travolor, tourist, teacher and student. No One should miss this opportunity to visit Utah and enjoy tho sconory of tho Rocky Mountains and kindred ranges. No European trip compares with it in variety and grandeur of scenery, and wealth of novol interest and study. TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE at Kansas City, Omaha, St. Josoph or Sioux City on July 5, G, 7 and 8 to Ogdon or Salt Lako City and return at through excursion rato of $.'9.00. Proportionate rate from Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis and all eastern points. Tickots purchased at this rato w.'ll bo good for stopovor at Donvor, Manitou, Glonwood and all points of interest in Utah. Those who have purchased tickots to Donvor and rolurn may obtain oxcursion rato of $20 Donvor to Ogdon or Salt Lako and ro- bor illustrated pamphlot, "Utah, Tho rromisecl Jiancl," write to F. A. Wadlkkiii, Salt Lako City, Utah. turn on July 10th to 14th inclusive. YrXti J V -7nV VK- ss yjTSk . g Kino && OF ALL E)ICYCLE5 " -s7- -i?Jr" . J-OC,V ss" VXa' Jr K2T BbOLUTLY THEgEST- t .ilW-i Dc5i015 ELEGANT VoRKKAmillP UmUP.PASj)ED WERIAl,TME TIiEbT A h . Fi?e Model?) . Wcighta 10 to 23 pouIds PftiCESm ro 100. tVERY "WHINE FULLY GUARANTEED CATALOGUE SENT FOB Tvo CtAJT STAnfi MOIARGH (yCLE (? (71ICAGQ '.IAIN OFFICE AMD FACTORY LAKE HALSTED ST6- RETAIL J3AI.EOROOM 260 VABAbU WC . EAbTtRN WAREHoubE 07-09 READE ST., NEW YORK PORTLAND IIoanhcc,, -SM FRANCISCO i -Urw-. .w. .- SALT LAKE CITY- TMilOt lNlCm