The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 26, 1895, Page 10, Image 10

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Did you see those sanctimonious boys
dodge drill by jumping out of the bowling
alley window last Friday while Gen. Hinds
slept? If the "Lieut." had caught these
worthies their chance to succeed the before
named general would have been very slim.
You want to watch out, Mac.
The Maxwell boys are going to debate
with the Lincoln Normals Saturday cvoning
in University chapel. They will expend
their oloquenco over tho question: Resolved
that tho National Banking System should bo
abolished. Messrs. Hatch, Blousuor, Wil
liams and Thomas will represent the Max
well club.
Tho . W. C. A. gave a very pleasant
entertainment in the chapel Saturday night.
The platform was handsomely decorated with
palms, which formed a charming back
ground for tho tableaux, of which tho greater
part of tho program consisted. One of tho
most pleasing features of the evening was
the presentation of Tennyson's "Dream of
Fair Women." Tho music also added not
a little to tho enjoyment of the evening.
Tho proceeds of the entertainment are to go
towards the Geneva fund.
Tho Elito Studio gives special rates to
students; tho only ground floor studio in tho
in tho city. Mr. Townsend is reliable, give
him a call.
Do you know that tho only man who is
making a straight $2.25 rate for tho highest
finish Photographs is Andrews, Students
Gallery, 1034: 0 street.
Students will now find convenient lockers
furnished by the Co-operative Book Com
pany. Yon never need go bookless any
more if you have got the requisite price.
Go to Froy & Froy, 1U South Twelfth
streot, for choice roses, carnations, and all
cut flowers, decorations and blooming plantB.
Hi South 12th St.
We advise students to buy books at the
Lincoln Book Exchange, 134 S. 12th street.
Second-hand University books a specialty.
Books of all kinds bought and sold.
Go to Mead's for Fine Cigars and Tobac
co, News and Novels. Corner 11th and O,
basement Richards block.
Got that new stylo hair-cut at Westerfiold's.
See Drs. Hodgman & McNay for first
class dental work at very low prices.
Dental parlors of Drs. Hodgman & McNay
over Harley's. Reduced price to students.
Students should patronize Wostorficld, tho .
tonsorial artist,
Dr. Leo W. Edwards a foriier University
boy is located in rooms 90 and 91 Burr
Block, Phono 305.
Patronize "Wnstorfiold. He is up to daet
on hair cutting.
Why not got a locker of tho Oo-oporativo
Book Co. and prevent any possibility of
having your books stolon. Only 10c a month.
Loland Stanford, jr., may bo temporarily
closed on account of tho estates being so
tied up by tho suit with tho government.
The Harvard Crimson has been increased
in si.o to six pages, and is now tho largest
college daily published.
Kansas is laboring under tho mistakon
impression that all threo of our debaters arc
Professor in Psychology: uTho eyes aro
tho windows of the soul."
(Girl with greon eyes:) "Tho Lord help
my soul."
Political discussion.
Young Man: "Do man differ from
women more than women differ from men ?"
Young Lady: "It depends upon their