1G THE HESPERIAN CHAPIN BROS. The Florists i 6th and D Sts. Tel. 633 , 1134 O STREET Iff I y. Poe & Woods 132 So. 12th Street, LINCOLN. NEBR. Photographs in all Styles Vv - (P (Pi Fine Crayon and Pastel Portraits UVVlQO 00 SKQAAAJ EXTRA FINISH. a Specialty... SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS YATE do not offer Special Prices to students, but we guarantee our prices to be Lower than tlwse who do w We jlsvE o large stock of UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY GLOVES, ETC. For Ladios and Gontleraen, which wo invito you to inspect. TlTTI T CD J7a C37T1MC: " O STREET, -lAi-L-ujn. t-c i-niMC, BETWEEN 12TH AND 13TH. STUDENT'S CO-OPERATIVE BOOK JV Carry a Complete Line of- TEXT BOOKS, STATIONERY and SPECIALTIES. Finest Stock of Mathematical Instruments in the city. Books exchanged. ESTABLISHED 188G. Jm6 STUDIO 1214 0 STREET EIMEQT WMHT in the done at this Studio. llnCdl IfUIm AH old le.ises have been" 're placed by the celebrated Dallmeyer Lenses. New grounds and accessories. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS LINCOLN CAFE OYSTER ROOMS Open until 2 o'clock. - Best in the City. BROWN & ORR, PROPS. "10 P St. LINCOLN, NEB. For SQUARE DEALING go to BAKER'S CLOTHING HOUSE 1125 O STREET All of the Latest Styles and Best Qualities at Lowest Prices. c SPECIAL PRICES TO STUDENTS A BRILLIANT STUDENT. Head of the class, perfect recitations und ex amination, envied by all.rTo attain Buch honor a good memory Is necessary. The new physio topical discovery Atemoty Restorative Tablets quickly and permanently increase the memory two to ten fold and greatly nutjment intellectual power. Dlfllcult studies, lectures, etc., easily mastered; truly marvelous, highly endorsed, your success assured. Price. 81.0O. postpaid. Send for circular. MEMIRY TAILET CI.. 114 6th Ave. N. Y.