m yff. ' i-4fy; " THE HESPERIAN 11 tory of Music, March 5th. Dancing and games were the pastimes of the evening. Both classes were well respected and all report an enjoyable time. Last Saturday night, the Y. M. C. A. elected the following new oflicers: president, Mr. "W. T. Elmore ; vice-president, Mr. Davis ; recording secretary, Mr. "W. H. Rhodes; corresponding secretary, Mr. R. P. Teele; treasurer, Mr. Lunu. Petitions are numerous in this institution. Miss G received one not long ago signed by some score of names. We can't say at the present moment whether she stopped chewing or took the hint in the proper way and treated the crowd. The Y; W. C. A. elected their oflicers for the next association year, to begin April 1. Miss Boose was elected president ; Miss Burrows, vice-president; Miss Wheeler, re cording secretary; Miss Bruner, correspond ing secretary; and Miss Anman, treasurer. The Senior law boys have organized a moot court and are trying cases without the aid of the faculty. Hatch, Sidles and Ed wards have each served (is judge. As much earnestness is shown in some of the pleas to the jury as would be shown in actual trials. The space in Union Hall was inadequate to hold the crowd that flocked there to hear the "Ghost Program." The music was es pecially good. The two songs, "The Lay of the Jobberwck," by Mr. Lehmer, and the "ErI King," by Mr. Albers, were well appreciated by the audience. " The Senior party was in every way a suc cess. This was mainly owing to the ingenu ity of the hostess, Miss Oliva Pound. Everyone was well entertained and pleased. The artistic talent displayed during the even ing was simply marvelous and the conversa tion profound. After this feast of reason and flow of soul, other more materialistic refreshments were daintily served. The company returned home very near Sunday morning. The graduating class of the Beatrice High School were in Lincoln March 14. They came for the express purpose of looking over the University. It is a compliment to our institution that they did not think to look further for a good school. They knew we had the best that could be had. (Law class. Judge -Reese citing case and commenting upon it): Edwards. Well, Judge, the man who wrote that opinion- certainly knew very little about common law pleading. Judge Perhaps so, I wrote it. Edwards Ah, well! 1 1 The Omaha Club at the regular monthly meeting, March 6, passed the following resolution and ordered that it be given the college papers for publication: " Resolved, that the thanks of the Omaha Club be extended to all those who kindly aided us in making successful arrangements for the Washington's birthday celebration. QThe joint missionary meeting of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. meet Sunday, March 2-t, at 3 p. m. At 4 p. in. the Y. M's will hold their meeting in Pal Indian Hall. The meet ing is to be a typical band meeting, such as they held during the winter vacation. The The Y. W's meet at the Conservatory at the same hour. Get that new style hair-cut at Westerlield's. See Drs. Ilodgman & McNay for first class dental work at very low prices. Dental parlors of Drs. Ilodgman & McNay over Harley's. Reduced price to students. Luther J. Abbott jr. and the editors are the only authorized agents for the Hesperian. Students should patronize Westerfiold, the tonsorial artist. He will cut your hair in the latest style. Dr. Lee W. Edwards a former University boy is located in rooms 90 and 91 Burr Block, Phono 305. Patronize "Westerfiold. ' Ho is up to date on hair cutting. '