The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 15, 1895, Page 8, Image 9

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1 1
confidence of the faculty, and it becomes
nn additional honor to become a member
of the team. When these suggestions are
carried out, I verily believe that a course
in athletics for the ordinary man is one
of the most valuable courses that is ottered
at a University.
The clause No. 16, which I do not favor,
roads as follows: "No game of any kind
shall be played with professional clubs, or
with clubs which permit any of their mem
bers to receive payment for their services,
or with so-called athletic clubs." If this
clause was adopted it would bo a source of
wrangling, because those matters are mat
ters of fact, and not of law, and could
never bo known absolutely, and, besides, it
might be for the material advantage of the
club to play an athletic club at some time,
and it is not well to have your hands
bound, and for my part I can see no im
mediate need for such a measure.
I think I could anticipate the main ob
jections that will bo raised to this scheme,
but in answer to them all 1 say that if tho
faculty are willing to grant us some of their
powers, let us take them. The faculty will
be in poor shape to go back on anything
that is advocated by the board of control,
and 1 am sure there will bo no need of it.
Tho University of Nebraska is beauti
fully situated in many respects for ath
letics. She is a very potent member of a
very excellent league, and, with proper
management, tho raising of tho needed
funds would not long bo a source of dis
quietude at all. The football team of 1894,
of which I am collectively and individu
ally proud, has made an enviable reputa
tion for itself in the metropolis and through
out tho state, and I hope, and confidently
expect, that in tho future the athletic teams
of the University of Nebraska will do honor
to our state and serve to advertise abroad
tho mighty prowess, the high degree of
scholarship, and the vigorous manhood of
its students. Yours very truly,
Fhank Okawfoiid.
It will bo groat fun for those happy mor
tals who were here last Charter Day, to
come back ten years from now and toll the
wondering seniors what a vast amount of
real, all-embracing college spirit, of unfet
tered enthusiasm, of scarlet and cream bunt
ing and ribbons and ilowers, we displayed;
how all our cousins and uncles and aunts
and dearest friends wore here to look atus;
how we endured more speeches in one fore
noon than we will ever stand in all our lives
again all for the sake of tho cause; how we
veiled and sail!? and cheered for tho Uni.
and ourselves for a whole week to shorten
the tale, how wo celebrated our Twenty-fifth
birthday. We doubt if you will find any
one then to believe the story. Even now
there are probably incredulous preppies and
all-knowing freshies who declare that such a
glorious time could never have been. But
it was and more. Looking back on it with
a perspective of just a year, of course the
occasion appears still luminous with scarlet
and cream. Wo all remember how tho pro
coedings opened informally with the Union,
Delian and Palladian program in tho chapel,
whore the faculty held forth in such gorgeous
array, and tho make-up of tho Chancellor
was so particularly fetching that tho audi
euco howled. Tho real Chancellor considers
it tho groat mistake of his life that ho missed
the fun that night. Then we remember the
rest of the show tho Junior ball, the learned
addreas of our own Prof. Howard, tho dainty
reception by the ladies and their treatment
of tho inner man, then tho Latin and Greek
plays and the orations and tho Glee Club,
and everything else; we remember it all,
all, thank Heaven, except tho thirty speeches.
Ton yews from now wo will not remem
ber so much. Perhaps just a few shreds of
scarlet and cream will string across our
vision, then tho substitute chancellor in that
wild dance with tho substitute registrar, no
ono packed in the chapol that night will over
forget the sight,--thon tho banana stand
which decorated tho Eoman street where