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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1895)
Pi mmmmmmmmmmm yirmn nw mm hi ,'"t,'t iS-w, JU ' '7 , " v , , , "viB,Tf v ' ' T THE.HESlERIAN shall bo directors by virti slltill '" corresponding responsibility. Ho is rospon- Managers shall bo directors by virtue of siblo "" for the conduct of the raon in the their oftico. The' board of'irect'ors t game and out of the game. Ho 1ms thb moot at the call of thVPresidont, whfch ' right to drop men from tho team and do- happens ' about onco a week" 'at Michigan. ' ' priyo, thorn of thoir suits, and it is his duty 'Tho board' of ''tlireciors shall "' shape; '''tn6M"-' to report thoir conduct, if undutiful and un- policy of tho University in athletics, and exemplary, to the board of control. shall receive and act upon tho roportB of At the Univorsity of Michigan last year tho managers, that everything may bo con-1 two mpmbors of tho 'Yarsity base ball team ducted as it should bo, and shall have sole' wore ordered to give up their suits. Thoir authority in money matters- (Tho board 'of " ease -was hoard by tho board of control, and control has nothing to say about this.) thoy woro fired from tho team for tho soa- Tho board of directors are tho chosen son, and woro put on probation besides, dologates of tho University. Their powers '' In tins way tho men can bo compelled to are unlimitod, except so far as thoy are in train, for thoy have no business to play conflict with or prescribed by tho powers without training, and when once tho team granted to the board of control, and to has faithfully kept training public sontimont these positions of trust and honor tho best will to so strong that every man will bo available men should bo olocted. forced to keep his training, even as he would Tho powers of the board of control are keep his bond, or else forfoit tho respect of such as are expressly given them, and' no his follows and classmates, which is tho more. They are, and should be, exactly' most valued thing on earth to tho Univor- defined. They are too most important pow- sity man. ors, however, and tho greatest care should Affirmatively speaking, then, my plan of bo displayed in tho selection of this" board, operations would be as follows: In tho oarly At Michigan this board is composed' of fall there should bo a mass meeting to elect five members of the faculty and four stud- the board of directors for tho ensuing year, onts, but since the Chancellor, upon his own This should be a great occasion, and it is motion, demands that tho faculty be rep- easily made so, because overyono is anxious resented by four men only, I think wo ought to hear a little speech from the captain of to bo charitable and give in to him in this tho team who won tho pennant last year, respect. or any of his men, and from the present I have not time and you have not tlie captain, who, in nine cases out of ton, is requisite patience to allow me to explain the most popular man in college, and, in how this scheme has worked at Michigan. ' the same proportion of instances, is tho best -I will simply say that it is regarded there representative man of the University in al- as a system that is as near perfection as may'" ' most any walk of life, and also from pop- bo. In the eastern colleges they have difi'er ular members of the faculty who have shown ont systems, but I have never seen any especial interest in athletics, should bo called thing before that so thoroughly met' my on. There should be cheering and enthu- approbation, and, on the other hand, in the siasm, and then, when business is in order, words of a Yankee, I think that this ex busLness can bo done, and done as it should be. actly fills the bill. Only those who are members of the as- I will not attempt to discuss the clause "' socitition should bo allowed to vote. Mem- which prevents those from playing who have ' borslnp may bo acquired by any student, conditions, without special permission, 6r'v on tho payment of one dollar. tll0SG who ur0 bouind iu thon' "work. I Each class in the literary department and favor those provisions, because such ' men ' oaqh class in the law department should rarely make the best athletes, and because, have three directors. ' by adopting such provisions wo gain the i il