mmrm-ilrr-Kr.,r, -,.- - .. r. kW-. xpf vpf Z-.9ki Tfifi HESPERIAN 15 :J W DlD'lTEVER '' ir d' OCCUR "TO YOU-THAT l'.'3fll inruoa PCiiBoiisr v .&-? ITW . - is c?om7 the finest work for the Students of any PHOTOGRAPHER in the city. - 1029 O ST. TRY HIM AND BE CONVINCED EVANS MM J. H. EVANS, Prksidknt. C. C. QUIGGLE, Secrbtakv. n ..- Telophone 199. COMPANY 327-331 NORTrl TWELFTH STREET H'A Dowc b're tbls "pace? Be cause we have sonjetblng special to adve tlse Special Cigar. Is something that will stand upon its merits. Wc select the students tcTg'lve it a trial HETRICK'S CIGAR STORE. NewH Stand In connection. i5tU and O Sts J. A. SMITH, Successor to AW 11. DKNNIH & CO. PRE WITT 4 4f. The Photographer. 1 2 1 6 O Street. Cabinet Photos, $2 per doz. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hats and Furnishing Goods. COUUKCT STYLES GOOD VALUES . . . 1137 0 STREET. FRANCIS BROS.' New Short Order Restaurant . . . Open All Nlh'ht. Board by Week, $3.00. 15 cent Meals a Specialty. 1 41 8 O Street. photographs know i Co. 1 1026 0 Street, LINCOLN, NEBR. SPECIA Hi BATES TO STTTIDEIfcTTS II ,'XA