i "7r W T" fWH "pl' toJ ' t, w- r $ M The Hesperian. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XXIV. LINCOLN, NEBARSKA, FEBRUARY iS, 1895. No. 9. The Hesperian. EDITORIAL. Issued "semi-monthly by the Hkspkrjan Association of the Univer sity of Nebraska. TERMS UF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, per college year (in advanco) ... $1.00 lnc copy, one semester ..... ,00 Advkktising Ratks on Application. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDKNTS. Special endeavor will be made to make Tun Hkspkrian inter esting to former students. Please send us your subscriptions. f3Subscriptionson our books will he continued until ordered stopped. Address all communications to Thk Hkspckian, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. BOARD OF EDITORS. LEO C. SMITH, - - Managing Editor associates II. E. NEWBRANCH, -. - Editorial KATHARINE MELICK, - - Literary isED C. ABBOTT, - - - Athletic GRACE GUY THOMPSON, - oc al W. T. ELMORE, .... Local STELLA DUCKER, - - - Local WM, AXLING, ..-- Exchange L. J. ABBOTT, Jr., Business Manager ' DIRECTORY. DELI AN SOCIETY. Prest.. V. H. Forsythe. Sec'y. Nellie West PALLADIAN SOCIETY. Prest., Etta Gray. Sec'y, Grace Guy Thompson UNIVERSITY UNION. Prest., Olivia Pound. Sec'y Mr. McGuffy Y. ,M. C. A. Prest., C. R. Wslden. Sec'y, A. N. Moody Y. W. C. A. Prest., Stella Loughridge. Sec'y, Blla McCrosky DEBATING ASSOCIATION. Prest., H, W. Quaintance. Sec'y. Ned C. Abbott ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Prest., Sidney White. Sec'y, Ralph Johnston Ouit esteemed con temporary took occa sion, early in the year, to indulge in charac teristic pleasantry over the non-appearance of a number of The Hespruian. The 'es teemed1' missed publication last week entire. "Editors flunked, F. T. It." Judge not, lest ye be also j'udged. From indications at tho present writing it appears that the University will be granted an increase of income of about $60,000 per annum, by the present legislature. This is not nearly what we had hoped for hardly more than will suffice during the next two or three years for the completion of the new library building. It is, however, much bet ter than nothing, and so, "For what wo are about to receive let us be duly grateful." We regret extremely our inability to pub lish the orations wriUen by request by sev eral representative str mts They were crowded out by the nu-xssity of printing Mr. Crawford's most excellent "open letter," which, we feel sure, will be an explanation entirely satisfactory to their writers. As to Mr. Crawford's letter, read it carefully. It comes from one who lias had much experi ence in athletic matters, and who has the welfare of our University at heart. The Hesperian wishes, and wishes hard, that every man, woman and child, every professor, co-ed., senior, junior, freshman and "prop." in the University, and every alumnus out of it, that owes it a dolhir or n half dollar on subscription, would settle the a