The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 01, 1895, Image 1

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7 Hesperian.
Vol. XXIV.
No. 8.
The following is by Dr. G. E. McKeoly,
one of the leading physicians of the state
and a member of the state senate from the
26th district:
Our state University is a juBt source of
pride to all those who have made themselves
acquainted with the good which it is accom
plishing. It is under the management of a
gentleman whose ability, experience, and
practical good sense eminently fits him for
the position, and he has around him a corps
of teachers equal or perhaps superior to most
of the older colleges of the east.
The number of students in attendance is 0
matter of wonder to eastern educators and
can only bo accounted for on the grounds
that the opportunities here offered are supe
rior to those of most western universities, as
a considerable number come from other
states. A large majority, however, are
Nebraskans, and the whole state may well
be proud of them. No one can sit and face
them as they crowd into the little chapel,
without feeling that ho is in the presence of
the "best people of Nebraska," and that the
force which is being developed here is to be
the potential one in determining the future
of our young commonwealth.
But the object of this article was not to
praise but to find fault, and to what has been
said must be appended the fact that the
accommodations furnished to both teachers
and pupils are entirely inadequate either to
their comfort or health.
The chapel is far too small to permit a full
attendance at one time, the recitation rooms
are occupied from morning until late at
night, and nioBt of them are too small to
comfortably accommodate a whole class; the
halls are often crowded to such an extent as
to make hurried passage impossible; and, '
worst of all, the library where so much work
is necessarily done, is crowded and unventi
lated to the point of being absolutely dan
gerous. Indeed, such overcrowding would
not be permitted in any well regulated fourth
rate tenement house.
No student can spend several hours a day
in this library, inhaling the vicious atmos
phere,, filled with all the varieties of un
friendly microbes which such conditions can
develope, without suffering therefrom to
some extent. Now this is all wrong, and
yet only a small part of the wrong is. here
detailed. The present legislature should
give to the occupants of its State University
a chance to live as well as to learn, espe
cially when this can be done by a tax very
little exceeding ten cents on every thousand
dollars of real valuation.
In this issue of The Hesperian are some
startling statements. Alas, they are all too
true! There is not a sentence which cannot
be more than substantiated. Kead every
word, and ponder well what this crisis means
to uo as students, and to the state. t Ours is
the third State University in the country,
but unless our equipments are speedily in
creased with no meager ' hand our present
place will soon be lost. It has taken long,
years of labor and sacrifice to place us whore,
we now are. Shall this be lost by neglect
that, seems-almost criminal?