The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 10, 1894, Image 1
w& The Hesperian UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XXIV. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 10, 1894. No". 5 The Hesperian. Issued semi-monthly by tho Hkspkrian Association of the Uni versity of Nebraska. HOARD OF EDITORS. LEO. C. SMITH, - . Managing Editor associates II. E. NEWHRANCII, FLORA KUL LOGIC NED. C. ABBOTT GRACE GUY THOMPSON W. T. ELMORE STELLA DUCKER. KATHARINE MELICK WM. AX LING EDITORIAL LlTKKARV Athletic Al.UMM Local Local Local Exchange R. II. GRAHAM, Businkhh Manager. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One cojij, per college year (in advance) tl.00 One co y. one simester .GO Advkrtisiku Rates on Api'mcation. ALUMNI AMU KX-STUDKXTS. Special Endeavor will be made- to make Tiik HtsrizuiAN intcr etini! to former students. Please send us jour subscriptions. "Subscription on our boorfs will be continued until ordered Hopped. Address nl cointniinications to The Hkm-khian, University of Nebraska. Lincoln. Nebraska. DIRECTORY. DELIAN SOCIETY. Prest., Stella Ducker. Sec'y, Miss Woodsun l'ALLADIAN SOCIETY. Prest., C. R. Welden. Sec'y, S. .7. Cohev INIVERSITY UNION. Prest., W. K Kirk. Scc'v, Maude Tripi.ett Y.M.C. A. Pres., C. 11. Welden. Sec'y, A. N. Moodv V. W. C. A. Prest., Stella Loucjhhiikjk. Sec'y, Ella McCkoskv DEBATING ASSOCIATION Prest., H. W.Quaintaxce. Sec'y, NedO. Auhott ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. 1' Sidney White. Sec'y,. Ralhi Johnston EDITORIAL. rtlTH this issue the management of ili?Jy le Hesperian changes hands. .''As Crf much as we love the woik and. wpuld desire to continue in it, we have always be lieved self preservation is the first law of man. Our doctor has advised us to. quit school, that being out of the question we do the next best thing and quit the paper. Be fore we lay down the pen we wish to thank the subscribers for their cordial reception and support of the paper. We wish also to thank the editors for their faithful, work and the uncomplaining manner in which, they have answered the calls for. "copy." Our successor is an able man and we bespeak for him a successful year. We leave our post with reluctance and will always retain a w.arm place in our memory for the Hesperian." It is to be deploied that there an election in the University except on .pjiirty lines. As students and advocates . of . demo cratic principles we should endeavor to jay aside false distinctions of caste and work .for f the good of the school. . The unfavorable comments now going the rounds of Nebraska ''papers cannot fail to be odious to the stu dent body. But this is just what we.h'ave had to fight against for many years.; and until we learn to lay aside petty jealousies mA .ojir , small political world, and work for man, just such criticism will be met with at every turn. The university has too many out side enemies to stiU further complicate' mat-: ters by internal dissensions. The Hesperian takes occasion t? extend its hearty congratulations to the Athletic As sociation in general, and to pur greajaud glorious and triumphant eleven jr .particular, on the work they have done and. thegJpty they have gained this year. Three months. . i n wm.T ' J i