The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 05, 1894, Page 12, Image 14

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On the bobks of the university of Chicago
in the list of universities and colleges from
which students are accepted at par value,
Nebraska university stands side by side with
Amherest, Brown, University of California,
Columbia, Cornell, Harvard. John Hopkins,
Princeton and Yale. This shows the estimate
placed upon the work of the University of
Nebraska by one of the best organized facul
ties in the west. -State Journal.
Miss Friel and Miss Cutter sang a very
pretty solo at the penitentiary last Sunday
morning. That it was appreciated, the long
continued applause of the prisoners attested.
They have been invited to sing again next
Sunday. Miss Triplett is their able accom
paniest. There can surely be no better way
of showing true Christianity than this practi
cal one adopted b these girls of carrying
brightness to those for whom the sun never
shines. "By their works ye shall know
Martin Luther might have talked and
reasoned until doomsday, but he would only
have obtairted a stake and a torch without
public sentiment. Public sentiment burned
John Huss and scattered Wycliff's asher. to
the sea. Public sentiment among the giilsof
the State University killed the G. D. C. But
pause, stranger, before you shed a tear for
the young women wbo have performed the
Huss act. They are not gone up in thin,
blue smoke. You will yet hear from them in
the P. G. D. C. If we cannot have two
girls' debating associations in this institntion,
let us have one. Hurrah for the P. G. D. C.
Miss Nellie Watson most agreeably enter
tained Union society and its friends on Hal
loween, at her residence seven miles south
east of the city. The party went out in two
large carryalls, and report of those high times
that you read about. Owing to the fact that
the drivers lost their bearings, and wandered
helplessly around a section or two for a
couple of hours, they did not reach Miss
Watson's home until about the hour usually
set for departure, and to equalize things were
compelled to steal several hours from the
morning. Forty or more absentees from
classes are reported for tne next day.
Misses Ferguson and Evans have come to
Lincoln for the purpose of starting a dancing
class. These ladies are highly recommend
ed, hsvfng taught for a number of years in
the military department of the Missouri State
University, also in Galveston, Texas. They
wish to permanently locate in Lincoln. They
will make a specialty of the waltz and solo
fancy dances for children. Children classes
will meet Monday, Wednesday and Satur
days at 4:30 p. m. Adults class will meet
Monday Thursday and Friday at 8 p. m.
All classes meet in Lansing theatre block.
Private lessons given. For further informa
tion address 336 south Thirteenth street.
The work in the shops and electrical
department have received a new impetus this
year and all departments are crowded with
students. The electrical department has just
received a Donaldson-Macrae dynamo and
moter which is out in advance of anything
which this department has had before. By
the failure of Queen & Co., the university has
secured an extensive job lot of new standard
Weston electrical instruments which, how
ever, have not yet arrived. A New York
safety engine, a seven foot lathe for pattern
work, a gig saw, a press drill, and an immense
number of smaller instruments have been
added to the shops. The ontire addition
which was made to the shops last summer is
occupied by the forge work. The depart
ment contains twenty-four of the new Buffalo
system. It is the first plant of this system
ever put in at any place.
Chancellor McDowell of the University of
Colorado, the first speaker this year in the
"Chancellor's course," lectured Friday morn
ing in the chapel on "Geo. William Curtis,
His Life and Works." The stndents and
faculty who crowded the chapel almost to
suffocation were treated to the address, earnr
est, scholarly, patriotic; an address full of
hope, even if full of warning. The life and
works of' Mr. Curtis were clearly and dis
tinctly outlined, and eloquent plea made for
that breadth of citizenship which can over
step party lines, which can say to party
"Thun far and no farther" Chancellor Mc
Dowell is an earnest, eloquent and witty
talker, and his address was appreciated by
every student who heard it. If this opening
lecture of the "Chancelor's Course" be an.
earnest of what is to follow, it will be'.an even
more populor and successful,rha:i last year.
A Fountain Pen.
The users of fountain pens need only to
try one of the celebrated Waterman Foun-,
tain Pens in order to become its friends. It
combines good workmanship with good
material and is by far the best pen in-ithe
market. Call at Cooperative Book Co's. and
have its superiority over all others explained,
to you.