The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 05, 1894, Image 1
The Hesperian UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XXIV. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 5 1894. No. 3 The Hesperian. Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Association of the Uni versity of Nebraska. HOARD OF EDITORS. BEN. C. MATTHEWS, . Managing Editou ASSOCIATES II. E. NEWBRANCII, . . . Editorial FLORA BULLOCK .... Literary NED. C. ABBOTT . . . Athletic GRACE GUY THOMPSON . . Alumni W. T. ELMORE . Local STELLA DUCKER Local KATHARINE MELlCIv . . Local WM. AXLING EXCHANGE R. H. GRAHAM, Business Manager. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, per college year (in advance) ..... Jl.(X) One co,.y, one simester, , 00 Advertising Rates ok Application. alumni and ex-students. Special Endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian inter esting to former students. Please send us your subscriptions. "SSubscriptionnon our boos will be continued until ordered stopped. Address all communications to The Hesperian, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. DIRECTORY. DELIAN SOCIETY. Prost., Stella Ducker. Soc'y, Mi83 Woodsun PALADIAN SOCIETY. Prest., C. R. Weldkn. Soc'y, S. J. Corey UNIVERSITY UNION. Prest., W. E Kikr. Sec'y, Maud Triplett Y. M. C. A. Pres., C. R. Welden. Sec'y, A. N. Moody Y. W. C. A. Prest., Stella Loughmdge. Sec'y, Ella McGkosky DEBATING ASSOCIATION Prest., H. W.Quaintance. Soc'y, NedO. Abbott ATHLETIC ASSOCIATnON. Prest., Sidney WniTE. Sec'y, Ralph Johnston Tf? I? SlJ tvv I, EDITORIAL. ?HILE we all wept tears over the vic tory of Doanc, we want to say right -j here, that it may have been a blessing in disguise. It is always true that elation and victory beget carelessness. We won over Grinnell and afterwards there was not the exercise and drill that had characterized our team before. Boys, get down and work. You're the best team we ever had. The Hkspkrian congratulates you on your skill but don't let up in your practice. If you intend to carry off the pennant, be on the ground every night, do the best you can and we are sure you will be numbered at the head. As the preliminary debates are almost at hand the Hesperian takes occassion to urge every student in the university, individually and collectively, to attend the debates don't go to one of them, or to two of them, but go to all. Don't go alone but bring your girl along: if you have no girl of your own, bring somebody else's. The audiences must prove the inspiration of the debaters: in the interests of fairness as well as for the purpose of helping each debater do the best he is capable of doing. It is sincerely to be hoped that each debate will be attended by large, fair and enthusiastic audiences. Don't let yourself stay away because the debates con tinue for four successive nights and you have lessons to get. Do what you can during the daytime for your studies, then turn out for these four nights and "enthuse" for the lin gual gymnasts. Demonstrate your patriot ism: the profs will forgive you, even though they frown. The sternest professor of them all does not admire a student who is a clam . It is not the policy of the Hesperian to say one word against athletics, because we t I H il