The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 18, 1894, Page 9, Image 9

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II. Division A shall debate on the even
ing of Wodnosday, November 7; B, Thurs
day, November 8; 0, Friday, Novomber 9;
and D, Saturday, Novomber 10.
III. Subjects for discussion shall be de
termined in this manner: Each debator in
division' A shall select a question approved
by five of the members in division A and
from these eight questions one shall bo
chosen by lot as the question which division
A shall discuss. The other divisions will
proceed to select subjects in like manner.
1Y. Sides in the debate shall likewise
be determined by lot, those drawing the
odd numbers taking the affirmative, and
thoaa drawing the oven numbers taking the
negative. The debaters shall speak in the
order indicated by the lot drawn that is
number one in division A will open, and so
on through the evening. A word in ex
planation of this rule may not bo ont of
place. It does not mean that one debater
may not. trade with another. He has a right
to the place secured, and can do what he
pleases with it.
Y. Each debater shall bo allowed fifteen
minutes and no more in which to discuss the
The divisions as provided in the above
rules consist of the following debaters:
E. P. Toole,
Ohas. Stroman,
D. M. Davis,
A. J. Weaver,
W. W. Woods,
E. S. Baker.
W. T. Elmore,
P. J. Maguire,
A. M. Eandolph,
C. L. Talmadge,
L. A. Edwards,
Qscar F, Funke.
J. H. McGuffey,
Clint Barr,
J. L. Sundean,
E. McNeal,
W. W. Wilson,
H. Whitmore.
Hugh Walker,
H. Nowbranch,
S. H. Martin,
F. W. Brown,
E. M. Martin,
A. McMullen,
Y. M.-Y. W. C. A.
Tho Y. M. 0. A. hns thirty new members.
G. Boomer, J. Boomer and O. Woods,
former members of the association, wore at
tho mooting Sunday.
Take time to attend tho men's noon-day
prayer meetiug. It iB hold daily from 12 to
12:10 in tho new association room.
The University classes, organized in moBt
of the Sunday schools of central churches,
already have an enrollment of over 200.
The state convention of tho Y. W. C. A.
will be held at Hastings, Novomber 2-4:.
Miss Helen Barnes of Missouri, and other
prominent workers will be present.
Seven delegates represented tho Uni
versity at the Lake Geneva summer con
ference, Lake Geneva, Wis. Three from
the Y. W. and four from the Y. M. 0. A.
Thursday, October 11th, was the day set
aside by tho Int. Com. of the Y. W. 0. A.
as a day of prayer for young women. It
was observed by the University association
special prayer meetings being held. The
cause was also remembered in the prayer
meeting services of tho different churches.
Tho "Volunteer Mission Band" of tho
University was so fortunate as to secure
Eobert E. Speer of New York city, for tho
Sunday afternoon meeting in the chapel.
"The Claims of tho Mission Field" was tho
subject of Mr. Speer' s address which was
thoroughly enjoyod by the 350 or more
present. Miss Bessie Turner sang a solo
before the address. F. F. Tucker, '94, pre
sided at the meeting.
Tho Y. M. 0. A., in accordance with tho
custom of the University's homeless organ
izations, has hitherto resorted to the chapel
for its regular meetings, and the prospects
are that it will continue to do so for some
time. But it has profited by the new Con
servatory building in securing there a de
sirable room in which to hold various meet
ings which have been necessarily somewhat
nomadic as to place of meeting. The room
is open to the members and friends of the
association and every effort will be made to
make it attractive and of much practical use.