THE RESTEKIAN shows tho high quality of tho work which tho University is to offer to tho pooplo of this state. In completeness of organization and equipment the Conservatory stands without a rival. The faculty which has been thus selected, including tho director, has already made a delightful impression with tho people of Lin coln. Not only are they evidently thoroughly trained for tho work which they have in hand, but in all personal characteristics they will prove welcome additions to Lincoln society. The other branch of tho College of Fine Arts, the work in Art, is already well under way in the University, and has received dur the past year, and especially during the past summer, some very high praise from those who can speak with authority on puch mat ters. Next year when tho library building is completed (and it will bo completed, bo couse it must be completed), the art work will occupy nearly the entire third floor, and will bo in more commodious quarters, with better equipment, than any other art school in tho west. Gentlemen of this city have already practically pledged a thousand dol lars a year towards maintaining free scholar ships and free instruction in certain lines. Of all this, in its dotails, however, it is too early to speak. But tho College of Fine Arts is practically hero. If tho people of Lincoln, and of tho state at largo, give Mr. Kimball and the Conservatory one-half the support that ho deserves, two stories will bo added to tho building next year and tho beautiful little Recital Hall, which is a part of tho general plan, will be built. That will moan three hundred to four hundred students in mucic and art alone; and everyone knows what that will mean for tho higher forms of art life in this state. The University has always done well. This summer it seems to have dono bettor than usual though in the face of many and great obstacles. Tho University of Michigan sent out a class of 731 this year, the largest over grad uated from an American college. CHANCELLOR'S GREETINO., I am very glad to accept tho invitation of tho Editors of The Hesperian, and through their columns extend to each student, now and old, a most hearty greeting as we take up the work of the cm rent academic year. The summer has been one of groat doubt and perplexity to the University authorities, as well as to the people of Nebraska at largo. But with tho means at our disposal wo have dono what wo could, and all that wo could, to see that no student coming to our doors this year should bo turned away. More than ever do tho times demand young men and young women of sound training, with the clearness of thought and largeness of vision that como from such training. Ignor ant people, short-sighted people, half-informed people, may make fair-weather sail ors; but these are times that try men's souls, times when only tho strongest and best can render acceptable service. While wo sympathize most keenly with those who are unable to return to their work this fall, we rejoice that so many find these opportunities within their grasp. Our doors swing open to you all, wide and free. In tho three Colleges and Groups of Study arid in tho courses in Music and Art, the state presents tho most diversified as well as the most ample opportunities to be found, not only in Nebraska, but probably now west of the Mississippi river. Tho largo number's coming to us from other institutions and from adjoining states, testify to tho truth of this statement. These opportunities, 'all that the University holds within its grasj are freely yours. We only ask that you will improve them to tho uttermost, and that in all your work you will accept tho counsel and tho assistance which we are more than ready to place at your disposal. " ' It will require solf-control, some' self', denial and exceeding earneatneos in spirit to accomplish all that may bo accomplished during the months that ai e to follow. The history of this institution allows that its stui donts in all tho w hvi been possessed of 1