The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 29, 1894, Image 1
imm The Hesperian. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XXIV. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 29, 1894. No. 1 The Hesperian. Issued by tho Hesperian Association of the Univer sity of Nobraska. BOARD OF EDITORS. BEN. C. MATTHEWS, . Managing Editor ASSOCIATES. H. E. NEWBRANCH, . . . Editorial FLORA BULLOCK Literary Athletic GRACE GUY THOMPSON, . . Alumni C. J. ELMORE Local STELLA DUCKER Local W. R. HARDY, Business Manager. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, per college year (in advance) . . . . $1 00 One copy, one semester, ........ CO Advertising Rates on Application. alummi and ex-students. Special endeavor will bo made to make TitK Hesperian inter esting to rormer studonts. Please bund us your subscriptions SSubscriptions on our books will bo continued until ordered stopped. ... Address all communications to The Hesperian, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb SALUTATORY. l When tho former managing editor laid aside her pen last yoar she loft us as a legacy a column of advice. Wo road it at the time and remarked that it was all true; wo think so yet. Soon after tho publication, however, a friend said: "You don't receive much en couragement for your next year's work, do you? You will loose all of your former friends. " Tho last statement sounded some what startling at first, as wo prizo our friends a good deal. But, at tho time our only ex pedient was to fall back on Balzac's philos ophy: "Do not bo afraid of making ene mies, woe to him who has none!" We finally settled tho question by dociding that anyone who has dabbled in University poli tics for three years and then is able to make more onomios by working on TnE Hes perian, is a genius. But, jbo this as it may, as wo launch out upon another year and confront tho trials and difficulties that must be overcome, wo can look back with pride to tho past record of The Hesperian. It has travelled a long and prosperous course and to-day is an essen tial part of tho University. It has reached that point which is tho ambition of all pro grossivo newspapers, it has been threatened to bo sued for libel. The Hesperian is a foo in times of war, a friend in times of peace. But more than this, The Hesperian novor threw down the gauntlet but that it came oif victorious. It is our intention and purpose, first and last, to stand for good government. Yet this paper can do other things than "scrap." Its object is to bo tho heart, mind and voice of the studonts in general. Our desire is to stimulate tho student to lit erary work, to keep account of tho move ments of formor Btudents and to furnish tho fullest, latest and best news around tho campus. Tho editors fully realize that thoy have a difficult task to perform; that their work will furnish some of the choicest gossip in the school ; but wo can bear it. Pilo it on, and when it gets too high, bo charitable and come to our aid. We shall have some miss understandings, though wo may strive to please. But "wo'll know each other bettor when tho mists have cleared away." Our motto for the coming yoar is "Be sure you are right and then go ahoad." If wo think it is right o keep still, wo will keep still; but if wo think it is right to i speak, yell, whoop or start a cyclone wo" shall do it, and who indeed can stop us? f P P I: i t A M i ill i. .4