THE HESPERIAN Ji. ft ir byo. College eniinitieB are by no moans eternal, nor, Heaven help us all, are college friendships immortal. Wo have said good bye to other classes that contained people wo loved and honored, who scarcely speak to us upon the street to-day. We have known those who graduated, our enemies, whose presence now makes our hearts glad. The Greatest Man said: "Love your ene mies." Well, most of us spend our lives doing it unconsciously, and dispising those whom we ought to love. College relations are entirely matters of chance and circum stance. If any of you think we have been hard upon y6u, you have probably belonged to a political ring wo did not train with. You had no particular reason for being in your ring, we had no particular reason for being in ours. So far as personal opinions went we might just as well have been in the same ring only we were'nt. We very seldom select our friends or foes, fate and chance select them for us. We wonder now, as you leave us who of you will be our friends and who our foes in live years. The fact that we don't know makes it doubly hard to see you go. Human nature is always a little disgusted at its inability to sustain a long and constant relation of any kind, and at its marvelous talent for forgetting. Perhaps it is best that we change and others change toward us, only sometimes it is a hard lesson to learn. It is a late date to refer to "Ships That Pass In The Night," but be that as it may, we have spoken and passed each other. If we on our part have spoken any words but those of cheer and kindness, and we have, we ask you to forget them. Remember only our hearty good cheer, let all harsher words sink and be forgotten in the distance that grows between us. We wish only the fair est winds to fill your sails, and only the richest harbors to be your ports. We will bid you no foreign farwell, but in the plain old tongue which we believe to be the grand est on earth, which we know the greatest poet spoke and hallowed. We bid you with all our hearts, "Good-bye and God speed." POST SENIORITY. Mr. Miller will teach. Mr. Covell will teach. Mary Fossler will teach. Babcock will study law. Miss Higgins will teach. John Dixon will go to Yale. Miss Nellie Faulkner will te.ach. R. H. Johnson will post in law. Miss Wiggenhorn will take life easy. Rufus Bentley will post in physchology. Miss Helen Bain will go to Harvard Neb. Miss Maude Hammond will attend the Yale Annex. Miss Heppner will assist in the German department. E. A. Gerrard will spend the summer in the Black Hills. Mr. Ricketts will assist Prof. Ward in the Zoological laboratory. Mary and Anne Edwards will spend the summer in Sterling, Ills. Fisher will go to Europe, and upon his re turn will seek for a job. Miss Jessie Law will assist in the Depart ment of European History. Will Westermann will assist Dr. Lees in the Greek Department next year. Mr. Montmorency will join a surveying party in the mountains this summer. J. M. and W. M. Johnston will post in the law school and belong to the Delta Tan Delta fraternity next year. Mr. Beecher will attend the Phi Delta Theta convention in New York, and after ward teach in the summer school. Miss Smith will go the Colorado moun tains for a few weeks this summer. Next year she will still assist in the library.