THE HESPERIAN 4 Ml the students of the Academic and Industrial colleges, the laws repeat with emphasis, "The Seniors have, we think, acted wisely in drawing the line as sharply as possible between the Academic and Industrial colleges and the college of law." How considerate of the academics to cut the laws at such a time! The laws have the temerity to thank them for it. The laws are more than ever convinced that "a college educa tion is something entirely different from a professional education." We have affi davits and confessions and resolutions and lots of other proof of the truth of the state ment, and all furnished by our academic friends. "We might as well offer a six months' course in book keeping and call that a college education," says the Nebraskan. "A six months' course in book keeping" under the genial management of the Nebraskan, what would the harvest be? Again the Nebraskan says, "The Senior who has spent one or two years in the Law School should not have the honor of gradua ting with the student who has earned his sheep-skin by four or six years of hard work." "Honor" "Honor" the Nebraskan says "honor" and the academic chimes in chorus "honor!" That is amaz ing! We of the Law School had feared that the word was classed as absolute in their vocabulary. No, gentlemen and ladies of the Academic college, the laws are willing to live and die "unwept, unhonored and unsung," rather than have the honor that association with you can impart to us. As a matter of fact the laws prefer a seperate commencement, held on or about June 1, as they have not the time or the means to fritter away in the city from that date till June 13. We are with the academics in demanding a separate com mencement. In fact the law seniors are considerating the advisability of graduating from the boiler house with John Green to arrange the orchestral effects, rather than compromise their reputation by appearing on the Lansing stage the same day with the academics. T. F. A. Williams. THE DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIAN LITERATURE. KNIGHT TRIZE ESSAY. Russia as the land of the Steppes and the 'Volga, as the land of Peter the Great, has always possessed an interest peculiarly its own. It is however within late years, through the travels, writings, and lectures of George Kennan, that the sympathy of the whole world has been aroused for this distressed country. Like the United States, Russia is a nation with her future before her. She too has felt the heavy hand of the oppressor and longs to be free. In the midst of this life little favorable as it may appear to literature, there has sprung up in this far away country, a literature that no nation has equalled. If there is one characteristic more pro minent than any other in Russian character, it is an intense patriotism. Inspired by this feeling, the Russian writer naturally gives it expression. Romanticism was at best a growth foreign to Russian soil. The best Russian minds felt this subservience to German and French models, one of the great evils against which they had to con tend. Russianism, not eclecticism, was needed. The Russian writer, feeling how impossible a task it would be lo appeal to the people and to give expression to social evils through the medium of romance, threw off the yoke and spoke to the people in his and their language. Instead of scenes fraught with romantic interest, he wrote to the present intense with life; instead of imaginary heroes, of the life Le saw every where around him. For perhaps another reason, realism found its way into Russia, sooner than into other nations. The Russian people also felt a lack of sympathy with romanticism. Yery shadowy indeed must imaginary heroes appear to those who see real ones every day; even as the picture of a battle to those engaged in the strife. So with Gogol romanticism vanished and realism took its place. His novel, "Taras