10 THE HESPERIAN WASTE BASKET WAIFS. Horo then the conclusion of tho .whole matter, oratory is a consummate and colos sal fake. Tho primitive custom of oratori cal contests is gray and hoary, and should have been abondoned with tho cane rush. It is the most unpractical, ntilted, sophom oric sort of oratory in tho world and it takes any lawyer several years to unlearn veuted theip collvictions in Gothic architec collego oratory before he can begin to learn ture in8tQad of in Bp0eches, the big church legal oratory, jn tins busy world no writer ftt MiHn would not bo in it Tho BtudentB has time to spend months upon a production, as atudont8 and aa folow students had not no speaker has time to shut himsolf up in had a real HvQ conviction for so iong that his closet and spend hours in devising thoy imrdly know how to manage one and metaphors or stringing together pearls of tl , t it t ith tbem Bufc some thing touches us all alike and makes us all akin. This was a fight in which there wore very few neutral partici pants, everyone had convictions and had them hard, oven the Alumni seemed to catch tho conviction fever. Heine said that the groat cathedrals wore built of convic tions, well, if tho 800 students who assem bled in the chapel Monday afternoon had enthusiasm is worth while no matter tho cost. It is a good thing to have the student conscience sharpened, and prove that honor is not entirely an unknown quantity, nor honesty yet classed with tho oratory. The world wants men with their thoughts at their pen's end and tonguo's end. Tho joint debate cultivates quick uses of thought and pointed expression, impromptu speaking cultivates ease of manner and speech, but college oratory so jg called cultivates nothing but jealousy and vanity. Lot it perish from the land and its . i e .i . i c It is strange, that erratic tendency of the memory vanish from the minds of men. fa ' J femenine mind to idealize evil. I suppose it is a fact that all ontlaws from Robin The University has for a long time been Hood to Jesse James were popular among in aching need of a sensation. This need tho ladies. Some one has said thai the - at last the late college "scrap" has filled. It was a royal sensation, it stirred the animals up and set them roaring in their cages. It was the first fight in years that reason the French people aro so open in their avowed worship of evil is that in Franco tho woman's mind predominate3. It is rather an unpleasant fact to face, altogether has, suspended class work on a particularly when one has tho misfortune school day or that has drawn the professors to be a femineinity. Dear as rascality is to in to witness a students' mass meeting. It women in all tho glittering bravado of its is tho first fight since tho beginning of time success, it seems even dearer in the pathetic that has abolished tho abonimably artificial despair of its failures. There was never a distinctions caused by Greek letter pins and criminal in Sing-Sing condemned to the a lack of Greek letter pins and made mem- electric chair whoso path was not paved with bers of secret and open societies pull to gether like creatures of tho same species, which thoy really are after all. This is the first rousing war tho University has had since it has become a full grown University. floral tributes from women who wore sup posed to represent culture and tho delicacy of culture. The darker the crime, the whiter the roses. There was never a youth who saw fit to bring himself and his college There aro so many students and so many into public and open disgrace who did not departments and so many lines of work have a long train of adoring maidens to that we almost begin to forgot that wo aro minister consolation unto him, Women to all members of the same institution until whom; in his days of .respectable citizenship m ;f