The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 23, 1894, Page 9, Image 9
THE HESPERIAN 9 ants and visitors, will bo charged this year. The list of events which are to take placo Field Day will bo placed on tho bulletin board so that all wishing to enter anv of tho contests can begin training at once. It is to bo hoped that many will enter and closely contost each event. Tho winners of tho different events, besides receiving prizes at our socal contest, will represent tho Univer sity at the Inter-Collegiate Field Day, which is to bo held at Kansas City on tho 30th of May. Tho expenses of tho delegate to Kansas City are paid by tho K. 0. Athletic Club. Tho Association agreed to the program of Inter-Collegiate Field Day as arranged by the Kansas City Club; but strongly recommended tho .addition of a 220 yard run and a hurdle race and requested that tho bicycle race bo changed from a one mile to a two-mile run. The list of events of tho Inter-Collegiato Field Day as arranged by tho K. 0 Club are as follows: 100 yard run, 440 yard run, and 1 mile run; running high jump, running broad jump, standing high jump, standing broad jump; putting 16 lb. shot, throwing 16 lb. hammers; 1 mile relay race, four men, one-fourth mile to each man; Pole vault, height; polo vault, distance; 1 mile bicycle race; base-ball throw. Tho events of local Field Day will be similar to those given above. Everyone expecting to enter should commence training soon because tho contest takes on the first Saturday in May. ALUMNI. John Stontovillo, onco of '97, is teaching at Brownville, Nob. '92. E. P. Brown is cashier of the Grant Bank, at Grant, Neb. Mr. McOlavo, a last year's student, is teaching at Western, Nobr. '93 Jas. J. Sayor is city reporter of the Daily Tribune at Sioux City, Iowa. '89. Edna D. Bullock has been employed as a cataloguer in tho University library. Percy E. True, formerly of '96, is in tho mercantile business with his father at Schuy ler, Nob. William Booso, who attended tho Univer sity last year is teaching near Falls City, this state. '93. John Cecil Graham visited the Uni versity during the recent vacation. Ho is a "rural pedagogue" at Filloy. George Avery, latply of tho class of '97, was compelled to leave school on account of poor-health. He is now in New Orleans. Chas. Beach, formerly of '89, visited Thos. Allen, of Lincoln, recently. Mr. Beach has been living in Washington for some time. '91. William J Taylor, principal of tho South Omaha High School, is visiting his parents in Liilcoln. He will return next week and resume his work. Miss Yeda Shoppard of '95, who left school some time ago on account of sickness, visited friends in the city last week. She expects to return to tho University in the fall. '88. H. P. Barrett and wife visited tho University during the Charter Day services. Mr. Barrett resides at Council Bluffs, Iowa, and is the Council Bluffs editor of the Omaha World-Herald. '89. Thomas S. Allen, of the well-known law firm Talbot, Bryan & Allen, has been appointed assistant-postmaster of Lincoln, Mr. Allen is an energetic, industrious young man and eminently qualified for tho duties that will fall upon him. '83.' A. A. Monroe is superintendent of the schools of South Omaha, where he has been for noarly eight years. He has showed considerable enterprise in building up the South Omaha ydiools and has boon instru mental in establishing a city library.