The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 23, 1894, Page 8, Image 8
6 TfeE HEfetERIAif t from old bchVcatiohal voportaM 1880 and 1887 in which sevbrhl commissioners stated tljat sectarian schools had done a good work. They positively refused to come off their hobby One man oven had the audacity to hint that the flames of Tartarus, would swallow up his opponents. Mr. Henry made a sickly attempt at wit which damaged his side very much. His remarks were in tended as tilling. The Cotner men did, however, show good qualities as extempore speakers. Their quick use of anecdote and repartee aided them inuch. Ned Abbott led the negative. Ho made an attack on Sumpter's arguments which the next speaker, Mr. Pile endeavored to rebut by the aid of his educational reports. Our boys then started to pile in argument after argument. Quaintance quoted scripture and so did Johnson. Hatfield showed the audionce a Bible which some seemed to recognize. Baker poured hot shot into their ranks which burnt his opponents con siderably. Then Searson summed up. He showed that Cotner was perched in the little eminence of its own godliness and would not discuss all phases of tlio question. Ho showed that his opponents had been so busily engaged in rebutting arguments that they had no time to make any. Thetlebate was closed by Sumpter who came out with a University catalogue, and threw it dramati cally on the tables saying, "There is the State University catalogue,' and there's not a bit of religion in it. " Cotner had tho advantage of fighting on the homo grounds. The preachers defended their vocation bravely, and on the one point of Christian influence with which they occupied most of their time, they probably gained the upper hand. On the rest, how ever they could not phase the negative. All the advantages of free thought and unbiassed action which the state offers to its children was net touched upon except by the negative. In about a month, another debate will bo held in tho State University chapel. Then the UA. P.. A." question will be discussed. ATHLETIC NOTES. All who going to take part Field Day should bo getting in shape. Field Day this year promises to be of unusual interest. Tho principal event in which all may partici pate will bo an entrance fee. Tho base-ball game between tho Univer sity team and the city team turned out as well as could bo expected of an amateur team. Our boys can play a good game and we may expect to have -a good report from them when they meet some other college team. The interest in tennis is reviving. TheTO is some talk of having a class tournament to select players to represent the University city contest. By the kindness of the Chan cellor, a new back court net has been added to the tennis grounds. This net can bo re moved the evenings of drill, thereby making tho grounds available for both tennis and drill. Considerable enthusiasm has been dis played over tho boxing and wrestling matches which are to take place in the Armory,on the evening of May 12. The winners in these contests will repre sent tho University at Kansas City at the expense of tho K. C Athletic Club. In the boxing there are four classes with limits as follows: 118, 133 and 156 pounds, and in tho wrestling there arc ree classes. The limits in the wrestling matches will bo published on the bulletin board. It is hoped that a great number will take part in these contests as there are very liberal prizes and mednls awarded the winners. At a recent meeting of tho Athletic Asso ciation arrangements were made for Field Day. J. P. Cameron was chosen Field Day manager and chairman of the committee on exercises. The local contest will be hold at the Fair Grounds o!a May 5th. Owing to the fact that the association is deeply in debt, a small entrance fee, for both contest-