The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 23, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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Hesperian. At the sumo time, he and the
other people of his ilk, smooth on the out
side, with corrugated interiors, were doing
everything in their power to prevent the
publication of "The nistory of a Crime."
They undoubtedly thought it would make
more disclosures than it did. His faction
persistently annoyed our printer, in their
endeavors to get a proof of the article.
They had the face to ask our business
manager for a proof. Needless to say, he
refused. Then one member went to the
printer and said that we had given our con
sent to his having a proof. All the printer
could say was, that the question sifted down
to a matter of veracity. He didn't get the
proof. Besides this, McMullon and his
"gang" have been plotting how they may
gain control of the offices in the University
next year. Not only have they proposed
among themselves a slate of Hesperian
officers, but they have gone out for every
available office in the institution. The
dictations of this crowd are absolutely
insolent. When the students once find out
what they really are, they will either
demand that they change their course, or
that they pursue their nefarious works in
some other institution than ours. The
Nebraskan would have the Hesperian
worship one of the ringleaders of this
crowd, McMullen. How in the name of
common sense can any sane man do it?
We adore you Adam, because you belong
to the great brotherhood of man, but we
can't stand your manners.
condition of affairs that is satisfactory.
This department wishes to declare that the
majority of cadets drill their third year
under protest. Some, who long for glory
and a tin sword, will so immolate them
selves on the shrine of their ambitions as
to drill even four years. Their number is
not legion.
It is well enough to allow those who so
desire, to drill for the term of three or oven
four years, but to compel all to drill for
three years is an injustice. When the
student becomes a Junior ho has other
things to think of besides shouldering his
gun and "hopping" around the campus.
If he is at all active in University affairs,
ho can not possibly spare the time, even
though it is but three hours a week. The
batallion'will not suffer. The number of
cadets now is too great for the accommoda
tions. No.t year, if the present rule should
be in force, the armory could hardly con
tain them.
If no objections have been registered
lately on the part of the students, it is be
cause they have given up in despair. They
do object, and most vigorously. If the
rule only affected the lower classmen, the
matter would assume a different aspect.
But to make those who really have to
husband their time, remain in servitude, is
not right. We waive the question of
exercise et al. Let those who stuff our
curriculum, give us time to study the
treasures it provides for our cerebral
A Resolution recommending that the
regents make the required amount of drill
two, instead of three years as at present,
was introduced before the faculty at their
last meeting. The resolution was made the
special order for the next meeting. The
opinion of the faculty seems to be quite
Unanimous that the time bo reduced. One
or two professors state, that, as they have
heard no objections lately, from the
students, they see no need of changing the
TnE two column editorial in the Ne
braskan is full of fallacies and false state
ments from beginning to end. In the first
place the Nebraskan tries in every possible
manner to make it appear that the present
fight is a "frat barb" fight. Since the
members of the Johnston faction have for
a whole long year been sotting on their
cherished fraternity egg in the endeavor to
hatch it out, lhcy feel that, after the trials
and tribulations they have endured, when,