The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 23, 1894, Image 1
The Hesperian. UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA. Vol. XXI II. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, APRIL 23, 1894. No. 25 THE HESPERIAN Issued soini-inontlily by the Hkspkrian Association of the Univer sity of Nebraska. BOARD OF EDITORS. W CATHER Managing Editor ASSOCIATKS. G. F. FISHER Editorial F. BULLOCK .. Literary AMY C. I3RUNER Literary A. C PANCOST Athletic V. E. KIRK Alumni NED: C. ABBOTT Exchange W. H. FORSYTH Local A. B. LYONS Local W. R. HARDY, Business Manager. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, per college year (in advance) $1 One copy, one semester 60 Advertising Rates on Application. alumni and ex-students. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesper ian inle.esting to former students. Please send us your subscriptions. "Subscriptions on our books will be continued until ordered stopped. Address all communications to The Hesperian, Uni versity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. EDITORIAL. Tiik Hesperian regrets that its esteemed contemporary, that virtuous though unhappy circular, the Nobraskan, should be so anxious to vent its spleen upon the actors in the drama recently enacted in oratorical circles. It looks ill to accuse an opponent of "working off bile", and then, in return, to descend to the low level of the common mud slinger. To those who know the editorial backing of the Eebraskan, the course they pursue does not seem strange, however. The request made by the Senior class to the regents at their recent meeting, to allow the use of the Armory for the Senior pro menade was indefinitely postponed. This action is but a continuation of the policy that led to the forming of a rule, allowing no public dance to be held in the armory. "We do not see why a strictly University affair, especially a class affair, might not be held in the armory. There is a reason, of course, in refusing the use of the hall to social organizations in the University, but when the Senior class wishes to have part of their commencement exercises in a Univer sity building, we see no valid reason for refusing them. We wisn annuals were less expensive luxuries. We cherish a desire to go out from this institution with a few pennies in our pockets. It is authoritively stated that this annual will be an edition de luxe. We hope so. It costs enough. Objection has been raised to the charge for insertion when coupled with that for space. There seems no way to overcome -the difficulty. The business managers say that whoever refuses to pay the charges may not have space. Why this charge is higher this year in some cases, than previously, no one can explain. If the managers do not change a gold-clad rule, the matter will probably sift down to a test of the amount each school organiza tion can pay for a place in the edition de luxe. Later: the charge has been removed. Adam MoMuxlen says: "The idea of calling our crowd a ring!" That was be fore the publication of the last issue of the & M I ill s 1 i I. H I