THE HESPERIAN "A PASTEL IN PJiOSE. Ho was ii fair youth and of a ruddy coun tenance like the voutlis the Bible talks about. His raven hair was brushed back in a care less, impetuous way from a high whito fore head such as female novelists love to write of. His eyes wore bright, flashing with self confidence and self-satisfaction. His cheeks were exceedingly rosy and his smile was one molting sweetness. Ho wore glasses which added to the general clerical air about him. His name and appearance were biblical, and his bearing was one of conscious virtue. He was one of those happiest of all mortals, a genius who was fully conscious of his power. In conversation he was rapid, eloquent, and oratorical. Ho had that facile mastery of expression, which is the result of years of practice as a University guide. Ho pre sented, explained and dismissed literature, art, and the problems in the same pleasant and kindly tones In which he once glibly re peated the well-known phrase, "This is the hall of the Union Society; wo have three societies, Union, Palladian, Delian, etc." Ho is just as gentle and considerate with the problems of the universe as he used to bo with his follow-editors, but the problems see a little more of him than did the unfortunate editors. Ho did not waste the beaming of his ruddy countenance upon a college paper, he reserved it for Greatness and Genius and Fate and other trivial matters. Ho was a very pleasant little follow, particularly sweet tempered when the sense of his own greatness gavo him wings. On bright sunlight mornings when ho has beon much impressed with his boauty of thought, ho used to walk rapidly by the stono walks scarcely aware that his foot touched this lowly earth and vaguely wondering why the main building did not literally bow itself down before him and grovel the weather signal in tho dirt. It soomed to him that ho could hoar all future agos ringing with his name. Ho often wondered when he shook hands with people if they know how proud and fortunate they should consider thomsolvos because they permitted to speak to him face to face. w -x- Such ho was before tho fall. Since then wo have seen little of him. Messrs Dennis, Kier and Van Ness have beon working over him since tho 19th trying by their united effort to make a hat band big enough to span that noble brow teeming with great ideas. Ho and all his followers aro at present beyond tho range of vision, swept under by the awful vortex of vanity, when thoy rise to tho surface again wo will strive once more to "mirror passing greatness in tho minds of men." THE STUDENT AND THE STAGE. It is passing strange how much students know about tho theatre and how very deli cate their taste is. Tho other clay I heard one of them decide that Schalcls voice was "cracked" and that Modjeska was not "natural," and I have been pondering over tho news ever since. Needless to say, this gentleman was not a regular theatro-goer. Ho was ono of the type who only go to the theatre whon Shakespeare's name appears on tho bills, who takes his Hamlet and his opera glasses and acenpies a seat in tho bal cony. He studies his Plato between the acts, and watches tho play from tho stand point of a superior intellect looking down upon an earthly world. He knows nothing' whatever about the theatre itself or about what can bo done thoro. Ho only goes to see a play that ho is sure is sufficiently ele vated. Ho is ignorant of stage possibilities and stage limitations, ho has never even beon across tho footlights. Ho thinks be cause he has studied Hamlet ho knows how Hamlet should bo played. Ho might just as well say that because ho has read the play he can toll an artist painting a Hamlet what colors to use and how to lay them. Ho knows the main conception, but of tho detail of an actor's art ho is utterly ignorant. ?2 J& " . i i ?