The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 02, 1894, Page 14, Image 14

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Prof. Monzondorf returned to his work
Inst Friday.
The out going oflicors of the Pall Society
will tender a reception, to tho now officurs on
Miss Gather went homo for a few days tho ovoning of the fifth
last week.
Some twenty -five conlributions, stories,
and poems were handed in to tho judge on
tho "Annual" competition.
Tho Palls took three boxes for the Glee Migs BftMott is t,o ,ntost MtQn tQ tho
Olnb Monday night. Union Sociotv. Mr Aleswoith joined the
A number of Wosloynn students visited Dcliim Socioty Fridny niSht-
tho Union Society Friday night. MiM Tr(mt wmj forcod tQ lonvQ a(,hool Qn
Miss Gardner was coniined to her room acconnt of 1,or P00r hoa,th- Sho oxl)ects to
last week on account of sickness. rotuni 110xt f,lU mid tnko llor deSro0-
Prof. Taylor delivered a lecture on Russia
last week before a Crete audience.
Tho University Dramatic Club is prepar
ing another play for the stsige. They will
appear in tho Lansing about May 1st.
All cuts for the Annual have been ordered.
There are an unusually largo number.
Evans and Lenhoff Romeo and Juliet
"The long and short of it." Did you see
Bon Matthews had a long article in last them at tho Glee Club entertainment?
Sundays Journal on "Mercantile Agencies." Miss Wilder will entertain tho young
ladies of the physical trining classes at tho
'92. T. F. A. Williams will visit his old
homo in Iowa for a week's vacation soon.
home of tho Chancellor, Saturday evening.
Tho Batallion has been drilling in ex-
Tho three societies appointed committees ,. i i i .1 . . 1 i . :
F1 n.o tended order for tho past two weeks and it is
to arrange for tho June program last Fridav in. . i 1 1 1 -u .i . i.
. . fo j-nutvjf oettor trained 111 skirmish drill than it has
over boon.
Everyone should stand by Gus Chapman r a 1 c n ..
. . . , J ' Prof. Menzondorf is talking of starting a
who is running on the democratic ticket for it -,. 1 wi m 1 m , 4.uf
b Universitv eirls' Gleo Club. Wo hope that
city engineer.
tho talk will materialize, for it would bo an
A number of promotions wero.mado in tho oxce,lei,t thiS to do-
Batallion recently owing to vacancies caused The retiring officers and officers elect of
tho University Y. M. and Y. W. 0. A. will
bo entertained at thn homo of F. F. Tucker
tho evening of tho 31st.
by resignations.
Prof. Sherman will deliver an addross on
"Literature in tho Higher Grades" March
28, at Beatrice. Our girls are becoming very industrious.
The Debating Club is tho latest. It meets
Mr. Clippmger, who has been teaching in ovt Saturday night, and woe to the boy
tho York College for the past three months, tlmt attempts "to see them home."
is again with us.
'92. Fred Hyde will make an overland
The Chancellor wont 'off on a lecturing trip to Yellowstone Park - as soon as his
tour last week, visiting Weeping Water, school work is finished in Juno. In Soptem-
Beatrico and Columbus. tomber ho expects to go east to school.