K2K9 r i The Hesperian. UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA. Vol. XXIII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, MARCH 10, 1894. No. i :V THE HESPERIAN Issued semi-monthly by tho Hesperian Association of the Univer sity of Nebraska. BOARD OF EDITORS. W. CATHER Managing Editor ASSOCIATES. G. F. FISHER Editorial F. BULLOCK Literary AMY C. BRUNER Literary A. C PANCOST Athletic W. E. KIRK Alumni NED: C. ABBOTT Exchange W. H. FORSYTH Local A. B. LYONS Local W. R. HARDY, Business Manager. terms ok subscription. One copy, per college year (in advance) $i oo One copy, one semester Advertising Rates on Application. alumni and ex-students. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesper ian interesting to former students. Please send us your subscriptions. Subscriptions on our books will be continued until ordered stopped. Address all communications to The Hesperian, Uni versity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb EDITORIAL. AVe shall not remind our readers that the great Quarter Centennial is over, nor shall we suggest that since it is over, it might bo well for students to drop pleasure for study, even though pleasure does not like to be dropped. Theso things have been thought of by twelve hundred separate and individual persons, each possessing twelve hundred separate and individual tired feelings. All that wo consider in our province at this late day, and in the light of the glorious past, is to shake hands with ourselves while wo chant two words from that language so sweet, so pure, and so mistakenly thought dead: "Summus Populi.", Tiie music department of the University is to be congratulated upon the efficient man ner in which it aided in the silver celebra tion. The chorus showed thorough drill, and in more ways than one gave an excep tionally pleasing performance. The orches tra, both on "Wednesday evening in tho chapel, and on Thursday evening in tho Lansing, proved itself to be in tho finest trim. Wo wish that the musical editor of our esteemed contemporary, the Nfibraxkan, would enter tho orchestra and find out tho difficulty of rendering orchestral music. He then might be much better fitted to resume the arduous duties on his paper. Nekbaska University now has a Glee Club, a Mandolin Club, a substitute faculty that may be called forth on short notice, and what is far more important, if true, a germ of college spirit. PrQtect this germ as you would protect your very life. Germs do not generally die without a struggle. If allowed to live, thoy increase at a marvelous rate. If the "student body" kills the college spirit that was made manifest during the last cele bration, one might almost predict tho eternal non-existence of that spirit in this institu tion. Preach not, however, to college stud ents, lost thoy rise in their wrath and im print upon thy visage a mark when thou least oxpectest it.