THE HESPERIAN 11 Before any more damage could bo done, ho had put out his light and fled out into the corridor, wher'3 ho trembled in company with another member of the faculty, who had como down from the regions above. The besiegers could not got in, however, and at length wont away, after somo ahoutiugs and hangings on doors. The next day the mat tor was explained away and hushed up. But the basement was no ice-house, and the body that had been left there all these days was getting "rich." The studonts saw that if anything further was to bo done with it, it must bo done at once. They had secured the skull and determined to complete their operations at all hazards the next night. It was Saturday, but waiting until Monday was out of the question entirely. Everything wont well, and they sot the wash-boiler with its contents out to cool in the shadows of the trees north of the building. But it could not be hidden from at least one of tho five senses, and the academic students soon smcllcd it out. A party, some of whom have since become famous and who shall bo name less, made off with it. But thoy soon found that they "had an elephant on their -hands which thoy could not accomplish," for what was to bo done with so horribly smolling an object. But the Nebraska State Democrat had said some very unkind things about tho University in connection with tho finding of the skul K and they determined to have their rovengo. Thoy put a polo as long as pos sible through tho handles and carried it off down Tenth street to 0. This was done easily enough, as there wore no buildings at all on that street north of P. Then thoy slipped around the corner and east on 0 street to the alloy by Baum's hardware store. Hero in tho basement was tho Democat of fice, and they dumped tho entire contents of tho wash-boilor down the steps. But tho city marshal 1 had followed thorn down Tenth strcot. Tho whole procedure looked suspicious to him and his mind yot dwelt on the night before. Down by Harloy's drug , store on Eleventh and 0 streets thoy spied our excellent chief engineer, John Green, who was at that time Lincoln's only policeman. Ho got a whiff of the wash boilor and at once began closing on tho centre. Tho only escape was up the alloy; but this was a blind aliey then and thoy wore trapped. The police station was in a wooden building on 0 street, opposite tho Democrat office and thither thoy wore hailed. John interceded manfully for them, urging their youth, their inexperience, and tho fact that studonts aro privileged characters anyway. But tho judge was obdurate and had already ordered their incarceration. Thoy offered their watches as security for their appear ance, but it was only the subscription of ten dollars to tho official oyster and boor fund that softened his heart. If thoy would only clean tho mess up . Oh, thoy would do any thing, ploase, sir ! So John found them somo pails and brooms and they carried water and scrubbed and washed and wasted chlo ride of lime until tho break of day. But it was weeks before O street enjoyed pure air again. Lincoln was a sleepy place in those days. It was seldom that anything startling hap pened. Tho University building was tho most prominent feature of tho landscape, in asmuch as it was tho largest building in tho city, and good people had boon accustomed to waking up in tho early foronoon and look ing out upon tho expanse of tin roof for years in tho samo old, mochanioal way. There was no smoke or mist then, and agazo at tho stablo tower and roof of tho Univer sity building seemed to fortify them against tho vicissitudes of the day. But one morn ing tho rising populace were dimly aware that something was wrong. That vague im pression soon took tangible shape in tho legond, CASH FOR STIFFS, painted in eleven-foot letters across tho roof of tho Uni versity. Who tho artist was is a mystery to this day. Up to 1885, tho chapel was a marvellous affair. Tho platform was directly opposite its present location. It was bare and un- iM m