8 THE HESPERIAN f II I I 111 I ill 'V r, hit '. c 11 ItM 1 ,: .it M . arliest timo ard is still in daily use. It is tho old boll. Let students one and all revere and protect it. Its calls to duty are still strong and clear as of yore. It has clanged the danger signal in the dead of night. It has rung out the paeans of the student's joys and triumphs. It has tolled the last rites of beloved friends and associates. When there remains no human voice to speak of other days, it still will be the students monitor and oldest friend. Strange and crude as the material en vironment of the early student may now appear to us, yet there was manifest in the student body from the beginning, that sturdy manhood, steadiness of purpose, in dustry and capacity for work, which, con tinuing through tho years, has done so much to put the University of Nebraska in the fore-front among American institutions and to give it prestige beyond the seas. An eminent Nebraslcan speaking at the opening of the university said: "Here is free education. If ihese facts be appreciated and these precious ad vantagas be improved, thirty years from today the Alumni of this institution will have made their impress for the good, the true and the ennobling upon every statute law in the state, upon every school district in every county; and the ripened fruits of this system of education will cluster richly in the legislative, executive, and judicial departments of the entire Commonwealth." Prophetic words! Some years of the allotted time yet remain, but the influence of the university for good, and for better citizenship, is nmo felt in every quarter of the state. On behalf of the student body of the first year in the history of the university, I send greeting and God speed to the student of today and of the twentieth century. The past may be interesting and instructive, but the present and the future alone give promise of better things. JOURNALISM OF THE PAST. f0 'fai'j6 In this festive issue tho editorial "wo" is keeping very quiet. Wo trust that there is quite enough of us to be seen ovon if wo are not heard. Tho historical nature of this is sue has necessitated our looking over the old files of The Hesperian, and we would just like to say that we have learned more now facts in less time than we ever have from any other course of reading. Along in '84: and 'So The Hesperian had a literary col umn in which it felt in duty bound to review current literature.' In reading this column we learned among other new and startling things that "The Portrait of a Lady" is a novel by Henry James, that it is very im moral and should be carefully kept from the young. Furthermore, we learned that "War and Peace" was a novel by Count Tolstoi, and that it was very good, though somewhat voluminous. Of Sordello the lit erary editor merely says that it is a poem by Robert Browning. It is a case in which si lence speaks, apparently. In the local col umn we find a casual mention that Bismarck has been ill for a few days, and that Tenny son dined at Winsor Castle last week, and that the Queen of Spain has a new dress. In the editorial columns we find inspiring quotations from Faust, Hamlet, and Lucile. In the files we scanned we found thirteen essays on the inevitable Thomas Carlyle. Thomas Carlyle ought to be suppressed by the police until students get old enough and have read enough to resist the temptation of writing essays on him. It is a great temptation to reprint some of tho literary productions of the olden times, for some of them are very good stuff indeed, but after all these years it would be cruel to treat our amiable librarian to her essay on the Found ers of the Modern English Race, or to thrust upon the managing editor of the State Jour nal his own essay on Mahomet, and it would bo little short of inhuman cruelty to expose Mr. Saunders by republishing the awful poetry he used to writa under the graceful non deplume of "Ivy."