mMmmm -A.T MODERATE PRICES. - t .a-.' , Furs, Gloves, Neckwear, Fine Suspenders, Night Robes, Silk Umbrellas, Hats, Travelling Bags, Collar Boxes, Mufflers, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs. Cuffs, Buttons, Scarf Pins. W. R DENNIS & CD ,I37street. Hatters and Furnishers. MANICURING AND HAIR DRESSING PARLORS. THE BEST AND MOST CO flPLETE All facial blemishes, such as moles, scars, pitting, black heads, hair patches, freckles positively removed. Switches, bangs, hair chains and Jewelry made to order. We carry a full line of hair goods and pure cosmetics, among which is, the famous To jours Jeine. Satisfaction guaranteed. MINNIE DAVIS. 1242 O STREET. Thorburn Sisters' Millinery Store. OLARA J. HATCH. RANDALL I LOVE, 336 South 9th Street. Telephone 652. Wholesale Rates to Clubs and Boarding Houses. WHOLESALE Vegetable Company and RETAIL GROCERS. JOHN B. WRIOhT, President. F. E. JOHNSON, Vice Pr.siu'eni. J.H. McCLAKCf ier THE Columbia National Bank. Of LINCOLN, NEB. CAPITAL, $250,000.00.