"ill in hi iwnri MMMMMMMM MMM . r. ., fWS THE HESPERIAN ?-" .' , TJ-'k J ''& n I" . u w m r HIS AFTERNOON CALL. "She will be glad to see me," said Mr. Charles Do Poyster Thompkinson, as, hold ing the hair brush suspended in his right hand he studied for some moments the effect of wearing his hair parted in the middle. Finding the result disastrous, ho carefully re placed his locks in their former position, sighed, and set himself about the arduous task of selecting a tie. "She has the roputation of being the most cultivated and aesthetic young lady in the city," said Mr. Charles De Poyster Thomp kiuson, "and I doubt not that her aesthetic taste and appreciation extends to matters of dress as well as to conversation." So say ing, ho discarded tie after tie, large plaid ones, delicate, figured ones, four-in-hands, Windsors, the whole category, until finally deciding to follow his favorite principle of contrast, ho selected an immacculate white one as the fittest foregroundto his counten ance. Adjusting it with some difficulty, ho made a pilgrimage into a corner after his missing cuff, donned his neatly fitting coat, and throw himself negligently into a chair to think. Ho had decided to make the call at four. It was now two. "Yes, Anemono Walker is certainly a very advanced and intelligent young lady," said to himself Mr. Charles Do Poyster Thomp kinson. "It was only last wook that she told mo as I was leaving that I had made three epigrams, four aphorisms, and two lo?i mots during my call. She is indeed very in telligent, and I seom to bo growing to ad mire her. Neither of those others, Darda nello Durham or that Watson girl, ever used to bo or could be so observing and appre ciative; but comparisons are odious. This afternoon, besides koeping up my reputation as an horrvme d'esprit, I must help Anemone to say a few good things herself; for a co-ed, lijco sugar taffy " Mr. Charles De Poyster Thompkinson bounded from his chair, seized his fountain pen, and wrote carefully in his memorandum book: A co-ed is liko sugar taffy at hor beat after sho has boon drawn out. "1 doubt if the apostle of epigrams him self could do much better than that, off hand," said Mr. Charles Do Poyster Thomp kinson, rubbing his hands and reading it over. "Now for a few more." After some minutes, and with the memory of those two others, those blinded ones, the blonde and the brunette, still before him, he wrote, In thoir lovo of change, co-eds can outvie the meanest misers. And Tho smiles of your ex-co-eds, liko bad clarot, soon turn to vinegar. In a minute or so more, catching sight of something in tho morning paper, and thinking gratefully of tho analytics class for tho inspiration, he added this 'Spiritual Proportion,' An oratorical prize : a college man : : castoria : in fants, children, and misses. With a sigh of mixed prido and relief, Mr. Charles Do Poyster Thompkinson, satisfied with tho number and the quality of his ef forts, put back his fountain pen and closed his note book; but he soon had them out again. 4 "Ah, I had forgotten. There is that al bum of hers I was told about. She will ask mo to write in it. T will throw myself on . the sofa, bury my head in my hands for a second, rise, grasp the pen, and dash off a noat and appropriate sentiment," said Mr. Charles Do Poyster Thompkinson. Mr. Charles De Poyster Thompkinson rose, locked tho door, closed the shutters, and drew a rhyming dictionary cautiously from beneath his buroau. Then, taking a copious draught from a pitcher of water, he seated himself at his table, glanced over a fow volumes of tho poets for ideas, and set to work. At tho end of about forty min utes ho copied into his memorandum book the following "polished sentiment," and ?M4?mfinaiMBsinHiHlVdHIHHIBHHiflHI