; 1. :SJSi - . Hf ' . w iv fr KtWWWWWI fc IFYOUSnZHNTTHE itmfmmfmmmmmmnwn ttttWtttK IN THE FINEST l?H(I)T(!)g &? GO TO 5N- 3 I KILD0UH GILDERT. All orders completed within from four to ten days from time Negative is made. Special Rates to Students. "1020 O STl-tlSET. w iflfVlfVffll lUilUUiUiUiiUUiUiiUiUUWUUUUiUiUUUlUUiUiUUUiUUUi Fem U: Dul Teil, 1020 O Street. MRED DIDE CIGAR STORE.! CIGHRS TOBHCCO PIP6S, KlSiniS. THE INTERIOR DECORATIVE GO. CARPETS, Wall Decorations, JVartels ard Cabinet Work 280-38 South 11th St. Lincoln, Hob. K. MEINZEIl. E. P. SW'KAKINOEN. jeinzer & gijoearingen. DEALERS IN FURNITURE And Household Goods. 127 and 129 No. 14th St. Lincoln, Neh. For Square Dealing Go to Jecp's Slorcjirjq pi . Use. -1125 0 Street, Lincoln, Neb. All of the Latest Styles and Best Qualities at Lowest Prices, OlFITflL all Raao 3Ht The Only Strict'y First-Class Eating House in the City. (?l?as. la. Brar)dr;opst, fVop. 12) Nortb lltt) Street. ""jWP'