.- lH , Take- H THE ffltfl JjaJ IBJi ! kF3 ra &JiW' vscff in AS- Elegant Modern Equipments consisting of Pullman Palace Sleeping, Dining, and Tourist Cars. Free Reclining Chair Cars. The Best Route from Lincoln, Neb. The Line Beloctod by the U. S. Ooverument to Carry the FAST "MAIL. QjSSrEa UNION DEPOTS. 1yf O OMAHA-AII P SIOUX CITY-East a KANSAS CITY-Eas DENVER and all Col OGDEN and SALT L BUTTE and HELENA. PORTLAND and SPOKAWftvEAliLS. SEATTLE, TACOMA and ALASKA. SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES. SAN DIEGO. st North. West, and South. Points. For Illustrated Descriptive Bootes, Maps, Time Cards, or any Information, Tickets, Berths Reserved, Stoamsh iw&oio, caii on or aauress, E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent, J. T. MASTIN, City Ticket Agent, 104-4- O Street. LINCOLN. NEB. . X. H. CLAEK, E. DICKINSON, E. J,. LOMAX, President and Oenoral Manager, AHHlmnnt (Icnorul ManAger, General I'ilhnuiikim- uud Ticket Agent. ' OMAHA, NEBRASKA. 3 I C. E. SPAHR, M. D. P.IAC1ICE LIMITED TO OIBCA8CB OFTHC IT VET THR0AT rD EL T E-and NOSeLHR GLASSES CAREFULLY ADJUSTED, 1215 O STREET LINCOLN, NEB Over 1200 Av jfei$K 3:' & eSs Air, wi) M f-J ' .V .1 BICYCLES in stock. Now and wonnd- hand IukIi or time. .A.W.GUMP & CO., DAYTON, OHIO. Send for list. 'A RUNTS WANTUI). Bicycles, Guns and Typewriters taken In Fxchange. WEBSTER &R0GEKS, BOOTS AJ!E SHOES. Always Latent Styles and Lowest Prioes to be found with us 1043 0 STREET. LINCOLN OflVrs superior fncllltlcs for inquiring a knowledge of book-kieplnt:. po rmuiiRliip rapid calculations, business urithmetie, commercial law, phori-haud, tyic-wrltliiK, crrespondence, and telegraphy. For circulars address, D. R. LILLIBKI.'Gh.-, i res., Likcoln, Neb, I lid 1 1 1 v ijj i b 1 gi 1 HB H II1IIIBIIIdH jH BEST LIN TO T.LOU AND CHICAGO l