The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 15, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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and to charge the faculty with every crime
from murder and high treason down to steal
ing lead pencils. If we can't write about
the faculty and departments, what can we
write about? It takes copy to fill a paper;
are we to resort to publishing essays on
Alexander and Robespierre? Every one
knows, or ought to know, that the faculty
does not mean the profs, or that any one de
partment does not mean any one prof.
Prof. Barber is not the Latin department any
more than he is Julius Caesar; Prof. Allen
is not the department of physics any more
rhan ho is the law of gravitation. Of course
we would not allow any other paper to ob
ject to anything about the departments, but
since it is all in the family we feel that we
can do it as often us we please. Then, the
profs can have no reason to object to a scor
ing now and then ; don't we give them taffy
enough? Don't wo annually exhaust all our
adjectives on these same profs? What col
lege editor has not again and again racked
his braiu for synonyms for ' "talented," "ef
ficient," "celebrated," etc?
The notice of examination for Glee 01 ub
membership posted on the bulletin board
during the last week has caused some little
excitement and conjecture. There is no
reason why the University of Nebraska can
not organize and maintain a creditable glee
club. Several moves have been made in
the past by which it has been attempted to
organize a University Glee Olub, but owing
to the lack of method the movements so far
have amounted to nothing. The present
movement seems to be in the right direction.
By competitive examinations it will be pos
sible to secure the best talent in the univer
sity. And in view of the fact that the ex
aminations will be conducted in such a man
ner as to prevent any member of the cx
aming committee from knowing to whom ho
is giving the grades, it seems quite probable
that the Glee Olub will be entirely free from
objectionable faction control.
There is a remarkable absence of univer
sity spirit among the students of this institu
tion. This is duo to the fact that there is
absolutely no college history connected with
the University. A great deal of complaint
has been made of the fact that graduates of
the institution take comparatively no inter
est in university matters. As a matter of
fact there are no university matters in which
graduates can take an interest. Until the
present year there has been no organized at
tempt of any kind to enter systematically
into the permanent organization of univer
sity teams of any nature. We have no base
ball history, no foot ball history, and no
Glee Olub history which may be reviewed by
alumni with any degree of pride.
Every male studeut in the university who
attempts to to sing or who thinks ho can
sing, should be present at the examination
for Glee Club membership and should make
an effort to gain admission to the club. Un
til we have a successful and permanent or
ganization in the naturo of a Glee Olub, we
will never have any college music for which
the older eastern colleges are noted. The
prospect this year is rather promising and
the effort to organize a club has so far met
with approbation and with little discourage
ment, but it will be necessary for all stu
dents of the university, regardless of fac
tion, fraternity or society, to co-operate in
the present attempt to perfect a successful
There will be other examinations in the
future and notice of them will bo posted
upon the bulletin board.
If the students have the welfare of the
university at heart they will exercise their
utmost endeavor to secure the attendance of
every available student upon the Glee Olub
H. A. Rbe8e of '01.
Writo- to your eastern friends who do not
think the University of Nebraska amounts to
much and tell them that the registration for
the year has already reached 1,100. ,