The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 15, 1893, Page 14, Image 14

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The senior class at Yale, Harvard, -Princeton,
Amherst and Dartmouth have adopted
the cap and gown. Sequoia.
Senator Allen, of Nebraska, is a big,
burly man, who looks like a prosperous
dealer in live stock. Shortly after his ar
rival in Washington, he was stopped at the
door of the senate chamber by a now door
keeper, who informed him that no one save
senators was allowed on the floor. Mr.
Allen smiled sadly, waved his hand and
said: "Very well, sonny; I'm a senator. I
don't look it, I know; but I am, just the
same," and passed intothc sacred precincts.
Those of our subscrsbibers who are in
terested in the silver question may be glad
to know that a silvor dollar will liquidate
their obligations to our business manager on
the same basis now aB before the vote on
the repeal bill. Ex-
I put my arms around her waist,
In a light and crowded hall,
But then 'twas perfectly proper,
For 'twas at the junior ball.
I put my arms around her waist,
As we wandered alone thro' the wood,
And again 'twas perfectly proper
Because she said I could.
Daily Cardinal.
Twenty-two Yale graduates will coach
foot-ball teams this fall. It might puzzle
some of our grandmothers to determine what
they teach in Yale anyway.
A prominent lawyer, who has been greatly
annoyed by chatter about "World's Fair, has
has had the following card printed, which
saves talking: "Yes, I have been to the
Fair. It is great; but I haven't time to talk
about it." Set.
' 'What did the Gracchi do when they found
they could not bo re-elected?" asked the
professor of Latin the other day. ' 'Stuffed
the ballot box," responded a gallant fresh
man from the back seat, Athenaeum.
Every exchange that we have interviewed
thus far has had "what Chauncoy Dopow
said about the class of '53 at Yale." Do
you know what it was ?
It is said Mr. J. G. Blaine was a good foot
ball player when at college. t is needless
to remark that the great statesman knew
nothing about "bucking the lino."
While Europe has but ninety-four univer
sities, yet she has 1,723 more professors,
and 4:1,814: more students than the 360
colleges and unvorsities of United States.
The great World's Exposition has proved
an especial boon to College students, giving
them an immense object lesson in every
branch of study in which they wore individ
ually interested.
Yes, Turkish Theatre, Buffalo Bill, Ool'.e
sium, and Dahomey Village especially.
Teeth without plates are a specialty with
Dr. Hodgeman.
On the northwest corner Thirteenth and
O streets, Fiegenbaum's Pharmacy.
Best 75c China Silks, Navy, only 39c, at
Herpolsheimor & Co.'s, Lincoln. Send for
Its a beauty, the new Catalogue of Her
polsheimor & Co., Lincoln. Send for a
copy, free. Send for samples of the beauti
ful line of new Dress Goods.
Everyone knows that Herpolsheimer &
Co., Lincoln, are perhaps the largest opera
tors of all kinds of goods in the west. This
fact enables them to buy large lots of goods
very low, as illustrated by them selling 75c
Jap. Dress Silk, that will not pull, at 39c a
yard. Navy only.
Do you want a daily paper with the Hes
perian ? Well you can, this way, by an ar
rangement with the local management. Stud
ents of the Uni. can get the Hesperian and
the World Herald by the month at sixty-five,
cents in advance.
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